ACTION NEEDED: IFPD proposing costly requirement
Aug 25, 2020, 11:17:02 AMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Tell the IFPD Board of Commissioners not to adopt a new local ordinance require fire sprinkler instillation in residential remodels or outbuilding construction. They are meeting today at 3pm to decide the matter. Details can be found on page 16 of the IFPD Board agenda found here:
Here is the issue:
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) has had an unwritten rule in place for several years whereby they seek to exceed state requirements and have automatic fire suppression sprinkler systems installed in new space added to an existing structure and within the existing structure itself, regardless of age of the house, whenever more than 50% in area is added to an existing residence. This standard is not required in Pine Cove, Mountain Center, Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Tahoe or anywhere else in the State, for that matter, regardless of proximity to a wildland-urban interface. (Note: the proposed local ordinance would set 30% of new space, livable or not, such as garages, etc., as the trigger for installing sprinkler systems).
The IFPD says they must take this aggressive position since Idyllwild is in an area of high wildfire threat. The logic is strange since fire suppression sprinklers on the inside of houses would not help protect the structure in the event of a wildfire.
For my project where 1,000 square feet of space is to be added to a 680 square foot residence, it would cost me ~$25,000 now and about $1,000 in perpetuity due to increased water bills and certification inspections–then there is the risk of the system failing and flooding your house (with antifreeze)!
Voice your position on the matter by attending today’s board meeting through Zoom (you will have to download the program first the enter the meeting ID: 307-288-7739; Password: 328844) and by emailing the IFPD Board (rcho…; hen…; rho…; dmes…, IFPD Fire Chief Mark LaMont (markl… and the Town Crier (ha…; mel…; je…
John Jacobs
Aug 25, 2020, 11:32:56 AMto Pine Crest Neighborhood Watch
Thank you for this. This is a very important issue to any resident of Idyllwild who wishes to utilize their property in a safe, reasonable manner.
It’s a shame that the policy implementation process utilized by IFPD has been erratic and without much period for public commentary (not to mention being significantly out of step with County ordinances, or adjacent Fire Protection Districts). The addition of this important vote to today’s meeting agenda seems to have been very last minute, and won’t allow for adequate consideration by the local public.
Neighbors, if at all possible, please try to attend this meeting at the Idyllwild Fire Dept office (or attend by Zoom). At the very least, it would be an important achievement to have the Board postpone the vote until adequate review time can be provided to local residents.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Aug 25, 2020, 12:21:47 PMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Petition to Postpone Vote on IFPD appendix 513-01 is attached. I encourage you to consider signing.
John Jacobs
Aug 25, 2020, 12:29:46 PMto
I will have a physical copy of this petition available to sign today- I’ll try to drop by the homes of as many as reasonably possible- otherwise, feel free to drop by my house. If you prefer to sign electronically, simply reply back to this email saying ‘please add my name to this petition’.
Remember: the meeting is today, at 3 pm…gotta get on this immediately!
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Dianne Diehl
Aug 25, 2020, 12:48:18 PMto
Pleas add Price and Dianne Diehl’s name
Sent from my iPhone
AshleynEric Bean
Aug 25, 2020, 1:58:52 PMto
Please add Eric Bean and Ashley Bean
Genevieve Alvarado
Aug 25, 2020, 2:05:36 PMto
Please sign Ezekiel Vargas and Genevieve Alvarado.
Aug 25, 2020, 4:35:58 PMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Thank you everyone who supported the petition to postpone the vote on the proposed IFPD fire sprinkler requirement. We were successful in getting the issue tabled until the next Board meeting which will take place at 3 PM Tuesday September 29th. The Board decided that it would be prudent to collect more information and public input before making a decision. They have also asked for help in gathering evidence in making their decision and I will be working with local architects and others to do so over the next week or so. I will follow up with more information soon.
Aug 25, 2020, 5:06:05 PMto
Reverence for all Life
Aug 27, 2020, 9:14:11 PMto
John please add my name Laura Swanson Elliot to the petition I am on upper Pinecrest next to the doctors office across from Idyllwild heating I cannot afford to put sprinkler systems throughout a 5000 square-foot building I don’t think this is legal to try to force through either for everybody and Idyllwild have to do it to their own homes Thank you Laura
Sent from my iPhone
Aug 28, 2020, 9:11:19 AMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Hi Laura, the proposed ordinance wouldn’t require instillation of fire sprinklers in your house unless you add more than 30% of new space to your house. If your house is 5,000 square feet, then you should not be affected unless you add over 1,500 square feet.
The houses with small square footage are the ones more likely to be affected if the owners are thinking to add on later. For example, if you have a 680 square foot house (like mine) and add just 205 square feet to it (about the size of an average single car garage), you would have to add sprinklers throughout the existing structure.
In any case, the vote has already been postponed until September 22nd. The important thing now is that Idyllwild citizens call or email Fire Chief Mark LaMont to let him know how you feel about the proposed ordinance (support it or don’t support it).
Aug 28, 2020, 9:37:23 AMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
After responding to Laura’s email, I thought that it might be helpful to share the Letter to the Editor that I submitted to the Town Crier yesterday. Hopefully it will get published next week and spur further conversation across Idyllwild, but it would also be great if everyone on this thread could share it across their networks and encourage people to contact the IFPD with their opinion. The letter reads:
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) is Idyllwild’s own local government organization. It has the authority to adopt ordinances and requirements stricter than those required by the state or county. They are currently proposing what very well could become the most stringent local ordinance of its kind in the State of California. Proposed Appendix 513-01, Residential Automatic Fire Sprinkler System(s), can be found on page 16 of the August agenda for the IFPD Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting ( I encourage all Idyllwild residents to read the proposed ordinance right away before it comes up for a vote in the September 22nd BOC meeting. If adopted, it will have substantial impacts on individuals and businesses in our community for the foreseeable future. One example of a potential impact is that if you, as an owner of a 700 square foot house, decide to add a small bedroom and bathroom, or an attached single car garage, where either is greater than 210 square feet, you will have to install or retrofit an antifreeze filled sprinkler system throughout your entire existing residence. The initial costs would be tens of thousands of dollars and over a thousand dollars each year thereafter in higher water bills and certification inspections—not to mention the constant risk of a system failure flooding your house with antifreeze. Such an ordinance could also reduce code compliance, lead to less construction projects thereby negatively impacting our local contractors, or dissuade potential home buyers or businesses from investing in our community.If you don’t agree that such an ordinance should be adopted, email or call IFPD Fire Chief Mark LaMont and/or members of the IFPD BOC right away and let them know your opinion. Their contact information can be found on the IFPD website. If you do agree with the adoption of the ordinance believing it will make our community more fire resistant, do the same. Exercise your democratic right of free speech. Participate in guiding your local government institution to be responsive to the community it exists to serve. Respond to this thread in the Town Crier and let others follow the public conversation. Whatever you do, don’t remain silent—unless, of course, you want the ordinance to be adopted.
John Jacobs
Dec 2, 2020, 12:29:50 PMto Pine Crest Neighborhood Watch
I received the email below from Jim Marsh, one of the longstanding architects in the Idyllwild area- Idyllwild Fire Protection District is continuing with their efforts towards fire sprinkler requirements on any new additions in this District. Jim’s email suggest better language for this regulation that could help reduce confusion or aggravations, and having more of a community voice on this matter would be beneficial. If this is of interest to you, you can reach Jim at the contact information in his email below.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Dear fellow Idyllwilders,
I hope you are doing well in these weird times.
As some of you know, the IFPD is writing a new ordinance regarding fire sprinklers in additions to existing homes that don’t already have fire sprinklers. It is proposing to require sprinklers in additions that are 33% (or 50%) of the size of the existing house. At 50%, this means an existing 2401 sq ft house could add on 1200 square feet without needing sprinklers, while an existing 700 sq ft cabin would require fire sprinklers for a 350 sq ft addition (not even big enough for a very modest master suite). This seems to unfairly penalize someone with a small cabin. I think there are better ways to write this new ordinance.
Would you please review the attachment for some alternatives to the IFPD wording? If you agree with me, would you allow me to use your name as a supporter of alternative wording?
I appreciate your time.
Thank you!
Jim Marsh Architect
P.S. I am reaching out to you because the IFPD was concerned I was acting on my own without support from the community. I think they will listen if we can show that there is widespread support.
Dec 2, 2020, 1:38:10 PMto
Yes, please use my name, Sheila Kloss, *** Pine Crest