John Jacobs
Apr 24, 2020, 3:15:46 PMto
Just noticed that Idyllwild County Park is open- apparently, they are
allowing ‘limited day use’ of the Park right now, including hiking and
walking (no camping or group picnicking). Up until a few days ago, the
Park was completely closed.
Anthony, can you explain the rationale for this decision? It completely
contradicts the current ‘Stay at Home’ order from the Governor that took
effect on March 20, 2020. Supervisor Chuck Washington has recently
echoed this order, imploring people to NOT come to Idyllwild right now:
Having the parks open at this time simply creates a magnet for people to
come to the town, and creates great risk to this tiny local population
with extremely limited medical resources. How can the minuscule amount
of revenue that will be generated by Day Use justify the risk that
Riverside County Parks is magnifying with this current policy?
Anthony, no doubt this decision came down from a level higher than your
supervisory level, but many of the local residents that surround the
Park would appreciate an explanation as to why this action has been
taken at this critical time. Feel free to forward this to whatever level
of Park Management that you feel is appropriate. I will look forward to
some kind of response.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Apr 24, 2020, 3:27:31 PMto
John,Thanks for the notification and your concern. Barry Zander
Miller, Anthony
Apr 24, 2020, 4:09:41 PMto
Good afternoon John,
Earlier this week our County eased some restrictions when it comes to Parks, golf courses, etc. At this time our directions have been to open for Day Use but with restrictions (wearing of facial coverings, maintaining social distancing, and no gatherings of more than immediate household. No parties, events, family/church picnics, etc. and staff have been instructed to explain the social distancing requirements upon entry). If they cannot abide by those rules I am asking them to leave the park. Similar revised orders appear to be popping up in San Bernardino and Orange Counties as well.
Riverside County reopens golf courses — with conditions – Press EnterpriseGolfers have the green light to return to Riverside County greens and fairways — provided they follow social distancing rules to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Riverside County … |
I attached the Riverside County News release from 4-20-2020 from showing where the direction came from. I do appreciate the concern from the community and have forwarded up the chain of command to Area Manager Dayna Whitaker and Chief Dustin McClain to discuss with Parks Director Kyla Brown as we work with Public Health and discuss with the Board of Supervisors.
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. I hope this helps explain the changes you saw in the County Park today. I will continue communicating with them and share your concerns as they arise.
Anthony MillerPark Ranger Supervisor RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District) 4600 Crestmore Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509anmi… | (951) #RivCoParks | Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events | ||
County of Riverside California4.20.20_golf_reopened_with_restrictions.pdf
Apr 24, 2020, 4:15:29 PMto
I saw two cars go into the park yesterday at dusk.
Reverence for all Life
Apr 24, 2020, 4:18:23 PMto
Seems to me the park should still be blocked off to cars if it’s only open to hiking and biking and no one is at the kiosk at the entrance.
Reverence for all Life
John Jacobs
Apr 24, 2020, 4:38:13 PMto Pine Crest Watch
Thank you for the quick reply.
The County’s April 20 clarification of the earlier order regarding park use still conflicts directly with the State-wide ‘Stay at Home’ order issued by the Governor- in order for people to get to Idyllwild County Park, they need to leave their homes and travel to the small town of Idyllwild. While there, they will be visiting grocery stores, buying gas, taking out food from local restaurants…all of this results in interaction with the Idyllwild community. And contradicts the express purpose of the Stay at Home order- reducing exposure to COVID-19.
Will there be sufficient Park staff present to monitor visitors? (Short staffing has been a longstanding problem at the Park.) What are the ‘open’ hours of the Park? Will it be gated and blocked at the end of each day?
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Joe Chiosso
Apr 25, 2020, 11:31:56 AMto
Guess that what $70,000 a year gets you a “quick reply”
Apr 25, 2020, 2:23:32 PMto
Just went into park adorned with mask, doggy & poop bag just to be surprised by seeing 2 people without masks picnicking in disabled campsite at the back of it, 2 guys no masks standing in parking lot, & woman going into restroom no mask. Might someone already in that restroom innocently be surprised? That’s what my park fee is paying for, and another man waiting no mask. Didn’t see anyone with mask. Living immediately next store is not the most secure feeling. I have a kidney transplant, so immune compromised.
Apr 25, 2020, 2:59:31 PMto
Bobbi come down to McCall. We are a secured campground… bonnie
Apr 25, 2020, 3:49:29 PMto
Bonnie good to know, thank you so much. Take care & miss you!
Apr 25, 2020, 3:58:50 PMto
I empathize completely, Bobbi, . This period of “opening up” is going to be difficult to manage especially since the rules vary county to county and perhaps even zip code by zip code.
As of May 1, the Union Tribune reports that all of San Diego County will be required to wear face masks outdoors. Who knows if Riverside County will follow suit.
I wish we are checking IDs and keeping our parks “local” right now. But the County makes the rules for our little town.
Apr 25, 2020, 4:22:10 PMto
Thanks Dawn💕When I called Anthony to ask if it was ok to walk doggy in the park when it first closed, he said yes on foot was ok just be sure to wear mask. That’s why I mentioned what I saw today.
Miller, Anthony
Apr 25, 2020, 4:25:19 PMto
Thank you all for your feedback I am continuing to follow up with management. The data and observations we have in the field let them know how the public are responding to the orders as we enforce them. Turned away quite a few vehicles who stated they did not possess facemasks and were not permitted entry.
For the day I had 6 with no masks I asked to leave (and come back when they had masks)
Many reminders to wear masks but quite a few pulled down or put in pocket while out on trail but observed many put masks back on as they approached people in park (and when they saw me approach them).
Joe Chiosso
Apr 25, 2020, 4:42:26 PMto
all the county seems good at is collecting taxes and fees
John Jacobs
Apr 25, 2020, 5:38:03 PMto
I think the enforcement of mask use is important, but it’s missing the main point: Stay at Home means…Stay at Home.
Or at the very least, in your very local neighborhood and community.
Any of the visitors who came to the Park today who are not residents of Idyllwild violated the current state-wide order issued by the Governor that remains in place. How can the County Park system justify creating incentives to the public to violate this order?
If this is a result of a ‘one size fits all’ application of the April 20 Golf Course/Parks order, it must have been intended to allow people to venture to their nearby county park and enjoy it…*not* travel a significant distance to a totally different community. Some kind of revision needs to be applied to the County Park’s policy until the statewide Stay at Home order has lifted- has this occurred to you? Are you planning on addressing this issue to your upper management/supervisors?
Miller, Anthony
Apr 26, 2020, 10:34:02 AMto
Yes, that is the ongoing conversation with management and above. I anticipate revised orders to come with the current orders running through 4-30 an update should come soon. Until then, stay safe and stay healthy everyone.
Anthony MillerPark Ranger Supervisor RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District) 4600 Crestmore Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509anmi… | (951) #RivCoParks | Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events | ||
Apr 26, 2020, 2:37:29 PMto
Felt so safe walking in the park today. Thank you Rangers for helping keep Idyllwild safe & healthy.
Joe Chiosso
Apr 27, 2020, 9:27:22 AMto
How can anyone stay safe when the rules are not clear, your lack of leadership is the problem.
Apr 28, 2020, 7:46:55 PMto
Thank you John. Well said!!! Opening up our parks as a resort areaIs opening up the flood gates for off hill folks to come and play. Now is not the time to encourage folks to come up and enjoy our village and parks.Thank you for speaking up for the majority.Sheila Zacker-
Apr 28, 2020, 8:34:41 PMto
Supervisor Washington has been telling people to stay away from Idyllwild, now the county park opens up telling people to come up. Makes no sense.
Reverence for all Life
John Jacobs
May 1, 2020, 8:43:26 AMto Pine Crest Watch
Looks like Riverside County issued revised orders on April 29:×tamp=1588201557824
Effectively, this revised order says that Riverside County’s order prohibiting gatherings outside the home expires April 30, and is superseded by the statewide Stay at Home order, which is ongoing. It makes exceptions for ‘certain recreational activities’, including the use of trails and parks.
Has the County Parks Dept. revised their implementation of this order, as it relates to visitors at County Parks (i.e. Idyllwild) who do not reside in the immediate area of that Park?
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Miller, Anthony
May 1, 2020, 2:51:34 PMto Pine Crest Watch
The revised Riverside County Order continues to allow:
- Recreational activities including the use of trails and parks for hiking, biking, and equestrian use.
- Golf with restrictions
- Operation of RV parks as essential.
The amended health order also continues to require use of face coverings and social distancing (Staying 6 feet away from others whenever possible through June 19.) So long as people abide by the rules we are allowing them to come up the hill and use our parks and trails in a limited capacity to get some fresh air and exercise.
I would encourage reaching out to Supervisor Chuck Washingtons’ office to share your concerns for the Idyllwild area-especially with the Board of Supervisors meeting this Tuesday (May 5) to discuss rescinding the County Public Health order that was issued on 4-29-2020 and continuing to lay groundwork to re-open businesses and the economy. It is a contentious issue with strong feelings on both sides and I understand they are not taking the decision lightly and perhaps they will consider the possibility of Idyllwild an exception given its unique circumstances.
Anthony MillerPark Ranger Supervisor RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District) 4600 Crestmore Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509anmi… | (951) #RivCoParks | Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events | ||
John Jacobs
May 1, 2020, 3:37:15 PMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comAnthony-
I’m familiar with the activities that are accepted under both the April 20 & 29 Riverside County orders, and the requirement for masks.
Again: this misses the point. Any non-Idyllwild area visitor to the Parks are violating the State’s Stay at Home order. A 4 stage process has been defined by the Governor related to re-opening the state’s economy, which (as of April 28) the state is at Stage 1 (same status as when the order was put into place on March 20). There has been no announcement to move beyond that stage as of yet.
Supervisor Washington is well aware of the amount of visitorship in Idyllwild at this time, and has issued clear directives to follow the state’s order- there are many who have voiced this concern to him from the local area. On a more local level, I’m more curious about your role as the Park Ranger Supervisor for the park less than a block from my home. Honestly, I’m not getting the impression that you see anything problematic about the conflict between the County’s order vs. the State’s order. Is that the case, or is this conflict simply not within your scope of control, and you are doing as you have been directed to do by higher levels of management?
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Miller, Anthony
May 1, 2020, 3:44:01 PMto
It is simply beyond my scope of control. The decision came from Parks Executive Team and their discussions with the Board of Supervisors ultimately.
Your point is clear- I understand and empathize completely. I have discussed at length with those above me and our directions are as I stated at this time.
May 1, 2020, 4:20:22 PMto Neighborhood Watch Notifications
Hi John,
I understand and support your concerns completely, John. It makes absolutely no sense to allow people to come from surrounding areas into Idyllwild County Park while cases in Riverside, LA and San Diego counties continue to rise.
This isn’t about being “exclusive.” We need to protect this tiny hamlet because we have very little access to healthcare services. I don’t even know how many ambulances we have up here but it can’t be many. Can you imagine if as few as 5 people had severe symptoms from COVID-19 all on the same day?
I can only hope that I’m being paranoid. I really think we are powerless over this issue of unclear communication.
I think that we just have to be careful about our own exposure and then hope that no visitors unknowingly infect someone at the local market.
May 1, 2020, 9:49:44 PMto
Saw a truck and house trailer going into the park this evening. They stopped and read the do’s and don’t sign then went in anyway.
Reverence for all Life
John Jacobs
May 2, 2020, 8:32:56 AMto Pine Crest Watch
I appreciate your empathy on this issue. The conflict between the State’s order and the County’s orders really make no good sense.
How would one communicate more directly with the Parks Executive Team on an issue like this?
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
John Jacobs
May 2, 2020, 9:41:14 AMto Pine Crest Watch
Residents of Pine Crest & Riv Co Play Rd:
I’ve written a letter I’d like to forward to the Chief of the Parks Executive Team related to the current opening of Idyllwild County Park- please see attached.
There are numerous residents in this area (and obviously Idyllwild as a whole) who have a very similar feeling- it would be helpful to have as many local residents signed on to this letter.
Please read the attached as soon as possible, and let me know if you’d like to be added to the signatory list at the end of the letter. (Normally, I’d probably try to get actual signatures, but under current conditions adding your name and home address will suffice.) I’m also open to revising the letter if you see a significant adjustment that needs to be made- please forward any comments.
You can either reply back to this GoogleGroup with your comments or approval, or contact me directly at:
I’d like to send this off by tomorrow (Sunday) evening- let me know what you think.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
May 2, 2020, 9:51:59 AMto
Thanks for taking point on this.
Please add me and Maygen
Pine Crest Ave, Idyllwild, CA 92549
May 2, 2020, 9:58:15 AMto Neighborhood Watch Notifications
Please add our signatures as well:
Dan and Dawn Papaila
>May 2, 2020, 10:00:29 AMto
HI John,Did you want to run this by the Chief Lamont for back up? Just a thought. Sheila Zacker
May 2, 2020, 10:26:31 AMto
You can add me to your list.
Pine Crest
Sheila Zacker
May 2, 2020, 10:43:42 AMto
Barb Reese
riverside co playground rd.
Reverence for all Life
John Jacobs
May 3, 2020, 9:11:12 AMto Pine Crest Watch
I plan to send this letter off late this afternoon (Sunday), so that it is present in Dustin McClain’s email inbox Monday morning. If you wish to be added to the signatory list, please let me know no later than 3 pm today.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Valerie Hunt wrote on 5/2/20 10:03 AM:
Please add our names:
David Hunt – County Park Trails Volunteer Pine Crest
Bud and Barbara Hunt – The Bike Route Pine Crest
May 3, 2020, 10:42:01 AMto
Cynthia Grassi
pine crest ave
May 3, 2020, 10:49:30 AMto
Hey John,
You can add Hal and me to the list.
Hal and Meghan Carey
Pine Crest
Cheers, Meghan
May 3, 2020, 11:31:15 AMto
Hi John, thank you for all your time, energy and concern with this matter. Please add my name to the letter. Sheila Kloss – Pine Crest Ave.
May 3, 2020, 3:43:36 PMto ‘Sheila Kloss’ via PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Hey Campers, Please include Robert and Linda Stroud Pine Crest Avenue, . Chuck and Linda
John Jacobs
May 5, 2020, 10:15:41 AMto
Can you update the local neighborhood on the current status of the Park? There have been several campers in the campground lately, and there is word that the policy is changing.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Miller, Anthony
May 5, 2020, 11:09:37 AMto
Of course, John. Thank you for reaching out.
Effective May 1st Camping was opened but strictly limited to self-contained units only; restrooms remain closed. We are not advertising the opening with so few sites that will accommodate we encouraged most to stay at other sites and locations, including Hurkey Creek, etc. No group camping or gatherings permitted at this point all must remain at their site, no campground visitors, etc. Lake Hemet was also opened under the same guidelines however they are operated by a separate entity than our campgrounds but for those looking for water recreation we are sending people that way. Essentially we are operating as a very small RV park at this time.
We are awaiting further update following the Rivco Board of Supervisors meeting today. If interested please tune in here.
They are currently streaming public comment at this time.
Anthony MillerPark Ranger Supervisor RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District) 4600 Crestmore Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509anmi… | (951) #RivCoParks | Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events | ||
John Jacobs
May 5, 2020, 1:00:34 PMto
Thank you for the update. Please post up here when you learn of the impact of today’s Rivco Board of Supervisor’s meeting on Riverside County Parks, and especially, Idyllwild County Park.
John Jacobs
May 9, 2020, 9:11:21 AMto
Yesterday’s contentious Board of Supervisor’s meeting resulted in a unanimous decision to rescind the major orders issued in the County during April (by Cameron Kaiser). Sheriff Chad Bianco has made it clear in several media sources that he will not enforce any kind of orders related to face mask use, or activities of business owners that flagrantly violate a State or County order. The County is apparently facing a $100 million budget shortfall.
The letter containing the support of a large number of local residents in direct proximity to Idyllwild County Park was emailed to Dustin McClain, Chief of the Parks Executive Team (cc’ing Chuck Washington’s office) last Sunday, May 2- that letter did not even receive the courtesy of a reply stating the letter had been received.
The leadership of Riverside County has clearly decided to prioritize the fiscal & revenue shortfall issues over the health and well-being of the residents- undoubtedly, these policies will continue to trickle into the park management policies, directly impacting how Idyllwild County Park is managed. Though you will be facing directives from the management above your position, as the Supervising Chief Ranger of these local parks, you do have some discretion in how they are implemented. Given that you have been very much in the loop of the thoughts of many local residents here, and as a resident of Idyllwild yourself, I hope that you will exercise that discretion to the greatest degree possible to respect the great concern many of us have around how Idyllwild County Park is being managed.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
May 9, 2020, 10:03:14 AMto
Well put!
Thanks, John.
Safe Trip,
Mike McCann
Miller, Anthony
May 9, 2020, 11:07:44 AMto
Good morning, the news of the Board’s decision reached me this morning and conferring with our higher ups it does not change our current operations at this time. We are still educating guests as they arrive about face coverings and no gatherings/parties/events while self contained camping is permitted we are sending several home as they arrive and in the mornings if they show up in the middle of the night. As guests call we encourage them to come prepared and shop at home to limit the impact on limited supply in grocery stores, etc. I am augmenting what I can in the field to keep staff and visitors as safe as I possibly can while navigating a very fluid situation.
There was a lot riding on that decision not knowing exactly which direction the Board and Governor we’re heading with their announcements I am sure he is working on responding shortly and wanting to take care as not to give you outdated information as these decisions can have significant impacts and they come swiftly.
Please do not hesitate to reach out and work with me as I am communicating daily with the good and the bad and we are constantly making adjustments to the best of our ability.
May 9, 2020, 7:59:56 PMto
I was in county park today.
No one had face coverings on. I was the only one wearing a mask. With the state wide stay at home order still in place, the park had a bunch of people and town was packed. Everyone needs to get on the same page. The state says stay at home and yet everything else is pushing people to get back out there, including riverside county. Mixed messages make no sense. This is all very frustrating.
Reverence for all Life
John Jacobs
May 18, 2020, 7:29:31 PMto, Dustin McClain,
Though the mere presence of *any* non-Idyllwild resident in the Park defeats (and violates) the purpose of the State’s ‘Stay at Home’ order (a fact that no-one in the Riverside County Parks system seems to want to acknowledge), the emphasis of responses from Riverside County Parks has continually been placed on how the Park(s) will be managed as they re-open. Your May 1 email stated that the Park would be managed using the following strategies:
“Effective May 1st Camping was opened but strictly limited to self-contained units only; restrooms remain closed. We are not advertising the opening with so few sites that will accommodate we encouraged most to stay at other sites and locations, including Hurkey Creek, etc. No group camping or gatherings permitted at this point all must remain at their site, no campground visitors, etc.”
In prior emails, you have emphasized that tent camping will not be allowed, visitors will be expected to wear masks and maintain appropriate distancing, and that restrooms will be closed. A walk-through of Idyllwild County Park on the evenings of Saturday, May 16, and Sunday, May 17 resulted in these observations:
*About 25 RV’s
*2-3 camping tents
*Group sites (far end of Park) completely full with RV’s, closely parked
*Groups of people in close proximity (no social distancing)
*No mask use was observed by any person, anywhere in the Park
*Evidence of human waste in numerous locations on hillside above campsites 8-42 (I personally cleaned up one solid waste site very near the creek just south of the meadow, at the Idyllwild Pines property sign)
*Park entry kiosk unattended at 5:30 Saturday evening (during highest visitation hours)- no patrolling Ranger was observed anywhere in the Park
Anthony, setting aside the central issue of the Stay at Home order and the implicit conflict the Park is creating by allowing non-Idyllwild resident visitors at this time, the management strategies you have described are clearly problematic and not being enforced. (All of the examples described above are illustrated in the attached images from last weekend.) This is creating a clear public health issue both in regards to COVID-19, and sanitation issues related to human waste.
The very busy Memorial Day weekend is quickly upcoming, and the Park (and town) will likely be extremely busy. Can you please respond with a strategy to address these very disturbing problems?
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
May 18, 2020, 7:49:22 PMto
Thank you so very much for fighting a battle that the folks in charge don’t seem to care about!
Be assured that we do care.
Mike McCann
Safe Trip,
May 19, 2020, 5:55:38 AMto
John Jacobs
May 22, 2020, 10:47:38 AMto, Dustin McClain,
As we head into the busy Memorial Day weekend, I (and other local residents) would like to hear an update regarding the latest management strategies for Idyllwild County Park (especially in light of the problems identified over last weekend, described & documented in my May 18 post to this listserv).
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Joe Chiosso
May 22, 2020, 12:36:23 PMto, Dustin McClain,
How and when will the campground contact the town when one of their campers contracts Covid19, or if someone in Idyllwild has it and comes in contact with a camper. Where is the waste dump for the campers, they will need to go to a secondary location to dump their waste causing more interaction with more people. This puts a huge strain on the system while were all under A STAY AT HOME ORDER.
John Jacobs
May 27, 2020, 10:20:48 AMto, Dustin McClain,
A walk through of Idyllwild County Park over last weekend (Memorial Day weekend, May 23-25) provided the following observations- on Saturday evening, around 6 pm:
*Campground appeared to be at a relatively low level of use for such a weekend- perhaps 20-25% capacity
*Mostly RV’s or tent campers, though at least two tents were observed, appearing to be used for camping purposes
*A ranger was observed driving through the campground (the entry kiosk was unattended)
*The Group Area at the back of the campground was tightly packed
*No mask usage was observed by any person
Perhaps more disturbingly, a walk-through of the areas around campsites 8-42 resulted in additional, extensive evidence of human waste- some of this ‘evidence’ was found in very close proximity to picnic tables and eating areas. The attached images (not for the squeamish!) are *not* the same location as those pictured from the weekend of May 16-17, 2020- they are *additional* locations (the ‘evidence’ from May 16-17 still remains in the same locations).
These observations are not in keeping with the Park’s stated policy of requiring mask usage, adequate spacing of camping, and non-allowance of tent camping. Of particularly great concern is the health and sanitation risk that is very much evident due to human waste in numerous areas in very close proximity to campsites (due to the closure of bathrooms).
This policy needs to be reconsidered immediately, Anthony. Whatever risk of COVID-19 infection that might be mitigated by the closure of bathrooms is being replaced and magnified by risks of bacterial, viral infection (i.e. Hepatitis A), and contamination of water sources due to the accumulation of human waste. Children play in these areas, and we all suffer the impacts of such contamination!
Please update us all on the Idyllwild County Park management strategies that are currently in place, or will be revised.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
May 27, 2020, 10:29:26 AMto
JohnI saw a blog from user LuLu from the town of Iddlywild..In her blog she was staying that town was packed all weekend and Not many mask were being worn not even by store owners. She basically said it was a normal weekend like nothing never happen and why did the town shut down if they were not going to use caution…..
May 27, 2020, 10:37:09 AMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comJohn,
This really is unacceptable! Thanks for all you are doing.
Safe Trip,
Mike McCann
Joe Chiosso
May 27, 2020, 11:45:53 AMto
Sad to see this happening to such a beautiful park, The state park seems to have much more control of the situation, a much more professional staff appears to work there.
May 27, 2020, 12:30:55 PMto
John you should get a hold of the town crier and have them print it on the front page about them keeping the bathrooms closed and contaminating our drinking water in the creeks this is very important you should also contact the Idlewild water district because this is unacceptable being a property owner on Pinecrest Avenue makes me wonder what I’m drinkingJohn you should get a hold of the town crier and have them print it on the front page about them keeping the bathrooms closed and contaminating are drinking water in the creeks this is very important you should also contact the Idyllwild water district because this is unacceptable being a property owner on Pinecrest Avenue that maybe makes me wonder what I’m drinkingThank you for letting us know what’s going on
Sent from my iPhone
Miller, Anthony
May 27, 2020, 2:31:33 PMto, McLain, Dustin,
Good afternoon John,
I took a hike back there and did some litter picking and though I saw several of the locations you mentioned, a lot appeared to have been cleaned up by the time I got eyes out there. No doubt that is a concern I do share, thus I plan to implement our SOP’s we will operate with restrooms open this weekend to mitigate the issue. I’ll be sending staff out to check back there as well, in order to pick up and clean up any existing messes we can locate. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know there is a developing problem back there so I can pass that along and work with the team to mitigate the issue. I do agree opening the restrooms up at this point (especially since we provide running water, and hands free dispensers for paper towels and hand sanitizing soap) is the right call.
I spoke with those in the tents this weekend and they were attached to a motorhome RV unit with restroom facilities thus they were permitted this weekend (as they were part of a self contained unit). I turned away several others between the parks to keep populations down on what normally is quite a busy weekend. I have limited site availability by approximately 40% to keep us from selling out for the forseeable future. Some of the sites though they are adjacent will allow for more room between sites and the 6ft of social distancing between families (particularly in the back loop area) as they will allow families to be greater than 6ft apart.
The discussion of opening to tent camping is ongoing, and may be a part of the discussions with restrooms opening, our leaders are currently discussing that strategy with the County Board of Supervisors as I understand. Here is a link to what we encourage guests to do in preparation for their visits to our parks in these times to update the community up in the rapidly changing environment we’re in.
Anthony MillerPark Ranger Supervisor RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District) 4600 Crestmore Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509anmi… | (951) #RivCoParks | Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events | ||
May 28, 2020, 7:47:42 AMto, McLain, Dustin,
Thank you John for attempting to keep Riverside County Parks Management informed and accountable. It is clear that their actions don’t match their words. Assuming that their intentions are good, this park has been understaffed for years.
Dawn Papaila