Cranston Fire, 7-25-18

John Jacobs

Jul 25, 2018, 1:48:22 PMto Pine Crest Watch

Hello everyone-

There is an active fire that apparently originated near Inspiration Point- homes along Double View are being evacuated right now.

There are apparently multiple fires along Hwy 74 towards Hemet. Steve Taylor reports that a man was apprehended in Hemet- he was seen throwing lighted road flares out of his car while driving downhill.

The information about the fire location at Inspiration Point came from Idyllwild Fire Department at about 12:30. They told a Pine Cove & Fern Valley resident that immediate evac is not required, but it would be a very good idea to prepare immediately.

Please share any information you have via this thread.

Stay safe, and good luck to us all!

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 25, 2018, 2:25:00 PMto

thank you John–very valuable information as we sit down here in Fallbrook and hear all kinds of rumors!  cameras down at both cabins so assuming power has been cut.Thanks,Kathy

John Jacobs

,Jul 26, 2018, 12:07:31 AMto

Local status update11:30 pm Wednesday 
Things are relatively quiet in town now…occasional fire traffic along the highway. Skies are clearer. Town is still completely dark…a transmission line to Idy has apparently cut all power. Guesses are that it may take between 12 hours to 2 days to restore. To my knowledge, at this time, Idyllwild remains under mandatory evacuation orders.
Numerous aerial fire retardant drops in the area of Saunders Meadow Rd (and southward) occurred until nearly sundown. The column of smoke appeared to be moving ESE as the sun dropped.
According to various fire resources, the area of the fire origin (towards Hwy 74 & Strawberry Creek crossing) and Idyllwild  will be hopefully managed through the night. There is greater concern for the fire as it moves eastward, south of South Ridge/May Valley/Fleming Valley, during the coming daylight hours. Wind patterns could move the fire in unpredictable directions; as it did during the Mountain Fire. (Worth noting that today….July 25 2018….is the 5 year anniversary of that fire)
Attached is a picture of the fire progressing eastward (south of town) at about 4:15 this afternoon.
Hope you are all safe and well, where-ever you are.


_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 26, 2018, 4:41:10 AMto>

Good morning John. My name is Sheila Kloss, I live in lower Pine Crest
(3 doors down from Tom Visel) I am presently in Chicago visiting family.
Thank you for this information; after checking every site and newscast
I could find, yours is the most informative and detailed and I am
greatly appreciated. My vehicle and my personal fire box of important
papers etc. are safely down in Hemet.My thoughts and prayers are will everyone and our beautiful mountain.Gratefully, Sheila Kloss Pine Crest


,Jul 26, 2018, 7:39:57 AMto

Thank you, John.



,Jul 26, 2018, 7:40:22 AMto

Sheila, did Cathy and Mercy get off the mountain?

Reverence for all Life

Vivian Holder

,Jul 26, 2018, 9:46:28 AMto

Thank you, John, for your dedication at keeping us all informed.  Really appreciate all you do.


Jul 26, 2018, 9:58:12 AMto

Thanks John

Sent from my iPad Lynn &Don


Jul 26, 2018, 10:05:37 AMto

John you’re being such a help to all of us by doing this. I know everyone is so grateful to you. 

John Jacobs

Jul 26, 2018, 10:12:35 AMto

Local status update10 AM Thursday
It was a relatively quiet night, except for the sounds of emergency vehicles driving around, and chainsaws in the area of the fire. Skies were relatively clear overnight, but now that the day is warming, smoke is over the town. There is a large plume SE of town from the main fire as it appears to be moving eastward.
Several neighbors remained here along Pine Crest & Riv Co Play Rd. The mood is generally good, though still with concern. Several reports that the area around the Transfer Station is heavily burned. There is a confirmed report of a home in Mountain Center that was lost, and unconfirmed reports of several buildings near Deerfoot Lane and possibly Doubleview.
I just talked with Patrick Reitz a few minutes ago…mandatory evac is still in effect for Idyllwild, though it was lifted for Pine Cove. Hwy 74/243 from Hemet remains closed…Hwy 243 from Banning is open at least to Pine Cove.
Power is still out throughout Idy/Pine Cove. I talked with a SCE employee a few minutes ago up at the station, and he said there are no clear estimates of when it will return. There are two main lines that provide power to Idyllwild- they run up the drainage where this particular fire was started. One of the lines is completely destroyed…the other line looks serviceable, but SCE crews are inspecting it right now to be sure it is safe to energize. His very vague guess was that it could be 24 hours before power might return.
There seems to be general optimism that the main threat has passed as the fire is east of Idyllwild. Firefighting efforts worked very hard to protect the perimeter of the town to the west and south.
Weather is supposed to be hot today, but with relatively low winds…similar to yesterday. This will be helpful in the overall effort, to be sure.

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 26, 2018, 10:22:32 AMto

Many thanks for the update & all of the previous efforts to make this system so effective!

Dan Papaila


Jul 26, 2018, 10:29:11 AMto

Thank you for the update.  We are in Mexico.  Mike and Carol McCann


Jul 26, 2018, 11:00:23 AMto

Thanks John for all of the information. Did anyone stay on the hill? We were out of town and came into hemet last night. My parents tried but we’re unable to catch one of our kitties. If the evacuation order hasn’t been lifted my tonight or the morning would anyone be available to get to our house and feed her? Not sure if anyone chose to stay on the mountain. Hope everyone is safe. 


,Jul 26, 2018, 12:43:06 PMto

Great news…thanks so much for the update; we’ll be up to check on our cabins as soon as they let people back in. 
Best to all of you,

John Jacobs

Jul 26, 2018, 12:48:07 PMto

Some pics from this morning:


In front of Idyllwild School
Home covered with retardant along Doubleview. Note the burned trees within feet of the home.
Destroyed home along Deerfoot.
Amphitheater at Idyllwild Arts. Ground still very hot with spotfires in the area.
Building at Idyllwild Arts.

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs

unread,Jul 26, 2018, 1:40:48 PMto

Video taken at 11 am today, from Deerfoot Lane, looking south towards Hwy 74, and panning east towards direction of May Valley and main fire activity. Note the aircraft exiting the column after an apparent retardant drop.

carlos adames

Jul 26, 2018, 2:36:31 PMto

Thanks for the call John, I’m at a hotel with dogs in Redlands 

John Jacobs

Jul 26, 2018, 3:51:02 PMto

Local status update3:30 pm Thursday
Though evac orders for Pine Cove were lifted earlier today, mandatory evac orders were made for the area between McCall park in the south, to Pinewood in the north (off of Black Mountain Road). It appears the fire has now moved northward from the May Valley area into the Wilderness area east and directly above Tahquitz Peak. From town, much of South Ridge has active plumes of smoke rising above it. There are also several areas of visible retardant from yesterday’s aircraft efforts. There are reports of very sporadic individual trees along South Ridge combusting, but not progressing.
There is a new fire in the Ribbonwood area near Pinyon Flats.  No word as to its source or status.
The change in evac orders has increased tension amongst local neighbors…several more from Pine Crest have chosen to leave today.

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 26, 2018, 5:32:43 PMto Neighborhood Watch Info

Be safe, John. I hear the lookout is gone. My limited understanding from having worked that tower is that if the fire goes over that ridge and into the bowl, we are pretty much indefensible. 
I’m hoping I’m wrong about that.


John Jacobs

,Jul 26, 2018, 6:49:18 PMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comLocal status update6:30 pm Thursday
There is a steady stream of helicopters doing water drops along South Ridge. The larger dark smoke plumes earlier today have lessened, and there are several lower lying white clouds in places along the Ridge- presumably, this is steam from the water drops.
To clarify my last update, the very sporadic tree fires that were observed were along the southern end of the Ridge…not directly behind Tahquitz Peak. I am standing in front of Forest Lumber right now, and I can see the lookout tower still standing.
Winds are generally low, providing great advantage. If this fire had occurred during a Santa Ana with strong winds from the east, the town would be at great risk. However, the current low level of wind and a direction that is not easterly creates optimism.

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs

Jul 26, 2018, 6:52:20 PMto


Tahquitz Peak and South Ridge6:30 pm 7/26/18

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549

stacyoates's profile photo


Jul 26, 2018, 6:54:46 PMto

Looking much better than a few hours ago. Hopefully it stays that way. Thanks for the picture!


Jul 26, 2018, 9:19:26 PMto

Lots of crazy rumors circulating on FB. So thankful to have facts. 

💜Dawn 

John Jacobs

,Jul 27, 2018, 11:46:56 AMto

Local status update11:30 am Friday
It was another relatively quiet evening, with very little wind- just after sunset, another DC10 made a retardant drop along South Ridge area. 
The entire area remains on mandatory evac order- some people have received ‘reverse 911’ calls from the Sheriffs Dept reinforcing this order. Only a few neighbors left along Lower Pine Crest.
Still no power in the area- I just talked with an SCE employee up at the substation- he said SCE was nearly done with inspecting and readying power lines, but the final call to power them will have to come from the fire management. As the situation is still very much in flux, there’s no clear word on power restoral.
Attached is a map of the fire area taken from InciWeb ( a good resource for fire data. It shows the perimeter of the major arm of the fire to be along South Ridge to Tahquitz Peak, eastward to Red Tahquitz, then down along the Desert Divide. That means fire progressing beyond it will have to burn downhill, which is slower, unless wind drives it.
Unfortunately, that fire crossed the South Ridge area just a few minutes ago, just south of Tahquitz Peak. DC10’s have been hitting it hard trying to stop it from advancing down into Idyllwild. That is the most visible penetration of the fire line from the town, so it is worrying. (See attached image)
The situation is constantly changing, so we are all monitoring closely.

Vivian Holder

,Jul 27, 2018, 12:41:54 PMto

Thank yoy!


,Jul 27, 2018, 1:01:12 PMto

Thank you John for all your help , some of my family is still there , Paul my son in law is  at the Idyllwild fire dept cooking with the great people from the Idyllwild bake shop & brew they stayed to feed people …. please be safe all of you …. Idyllwild well Survive! 


,Jul 27, 2018, 1:16:04 PMto

He …John Jacobs is one of our Neighborhood Watch captains

Dawn Papaila


Jul 27, 2018, 1:17:32 PMto

Sorry. My last message Went to wrong address. I was explaining to a friend. Forwarding some of the updates. 

Dawn Papaila


Jul 27, 2018, 2:44:06 PMto

A friend just said the power is back on in the middle of town. 

Reverence for all Life

John Jacobs

,Jul 27, 2018, 3:02:25 PMto

Local status update
Friday 3 pm

Power has been restored to homes along Pine Crest- not sure how far down the street it extends, however. I talked with an SCE employee a few minutes ago and asked about other areas that are still out- he said Saunders Meadow area, and Fern Valley, however they are working right now to get power back there, too. Hopefully there won’t be too much refrigerator spoilage for us all.

I just returned from several locations getting a good look at the efforts- there are still several active plumes from behind South Ridge, and the area where the fire had crossed over towards Idyllwild continues to smoke (but no obvious visible flame). Helicopter water drops are hitting that spot repeatedly trying to knock it down. (See picture)

There’s a bit of gusty wind out there right now, and the forecast is for a shift in direction that may not be favorable. Conditions continue to change rapidly.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 27, 2018, 3:10:36 PMto

Thanks John!

Reverence for all Life


unread,Jul 27, 2018, 3:56:52 PMto

County park rd ok? No looting?

Reverence for all Life


Jul 27, 2018, 6:38:51 PMto

Thank you John for all your help ! 

John Jacobs

,Jul 27, 2018, 8:02:49 PMto

Local status update
Friday 8:00 pm

From town, South Ridge has an improved appearance to it, with far fewer smoke plumes. However, this is likely deceiving, as the westerly winds are increased a bit, and this is likely simply pushing the smoke east and out of view from Idyllwild. There are continual helicopter water drops occurring in that area, and continued until about 20 minutes ago- very likely, the upper May Valley area and Herkey Creek area are still virtually uncontrolled. A wind shift could easily push the activity back towards the west. InciWeb has the burn area at 11,500 acres, with only 3% containment.

The fact that the power has returned is definitely a plus, however my opinion is that it instills something of a false sense that the urgency has passed- especially combined from the appearance of Idyllwild and South Ridge at this moment. This fire is still very unstable, and we aren’t out of the woods yet by any stretch. Beyond what could still threaten Idyllwild in the May Valley area, there is another significant arm of this fire that is advancing through Garner Valley.

I did a slow walkaround of the Lower Pine Crest and County Park Road area around 4 pm today. Nothing looked especially amiss from the road (i.e. open doors/windows, stuff strewn about). Near as I could see, things look pretty intact….I did cross paths with a coyote down near Svetlana’s house. Max (my dog) sent him on his way.


Jul 27, 2018, 8:10:17 PMto

Thanks John for update


,Jul 27, 2018, 8:30:08 PMto

Thank you John.
So appreciate you checking in with us.

Sent from my iPhoneSheila Zacker 

Maygen (Morlan) Sandrini

Jul 27, 2018, 8:59:27 PMto

Thank you, John!

Sent from my iPhone


Jul 27, 2018, 9:12:57 PMto

Thanks John for checking out the neighborhood!

Reverence for all Life


Jul 28, 2018, 6:45:33 AMto

Thanks so very much! Mike and Carol McCann

Sent from my iPhone<image.jpg>


,Jul 28, 2018, 7:07:45 AMto

John,  We can’t thank you enough for keeping us updated.  Very much appreciated and thankful for your watchful eye.  Be safe.  Adam and Maristella Speth 

John Jacobs

Jul 28, 2018, 11:07:39 AMto

Local status update
Saturday 11 am

Another quiet night- helicopter water drops stopped around 7 pm last night, and there was still wind, cooler temps, and little smoke. InciWeb is now saying the fire is just over 13,000 acres, with 17 percent containment.

Overnight, however, the breach that occurred along South Ridge (just south of Tahquitz) yesterday morning had expanded, and another visible breach has occurred south of that one, just above where the South Ridge trailhead lies.

Looking closely at the image below, you can see the approach of another helicopter water drop:

This is a very concerning development, as the town of Idyllwild lies downslope of these breaches, with numerous homes in between.

Weather forecasts are still hot, with a small chance of thunderstorms. There are currently southwesterly winds, which pushes much of the smoke to the north & northeast, and slows the advance of the fire down from South Ridge. Over the day, the winds are expected to shift to originate from the northeast. Wind is the most major factor in the advancement of this fire.

Power has remained consistent along Lower Pine Crest since it was restored yesterday around 2 pm. There have been some rumours (no doubt originating and fueled by Facebook) that power is intermittent because SCE is ‘testing the power lines’. My discussion with SCE employees today (at the substation), and experience here along Pine Crest, proves this to be absolutely false. That said, there are still some areas in the valley where SCE is still working to restore power (they were unable to be precise in those locations, however).

With power restored, there are several homes along Pine Crest & County Park road that have lights on, fans, or air conditioning units running, with no-one in them. Besides consuming power, law enforcement finds this confusing in determining which homes are evacuated. If you would like help with turning these items off, and have a reasonable way by which I can get entry, contact me at this email address:

Sheriff deputies have inspected and tagged numerous homes in the Fern Valley area to verify evacuation. There are also rumours floating around that the evacuation order will be lifted today or tomorrow- during a quick update with Idyllwild Fire Department, they made no mention of this. It is my sense that given the current status of the fire along South Ridge, the evacuation orders will remain in place at least through the weekend. (This is a guess, ONLY!)

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


Jul 28, 2018, 11:44:45 AMto

Excellent report, John. Barry Z


Jul 28, 2018, 11:56:12 AMto

Thank you to John for going over to my house and turning off my lights and air conditioner! You are the best!

Reverence for all LifeTo


Jul 28, 2018, 12:32:43 PMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comJohn Bless u SO Much for everything ur doing for us all! Steve & I wonder as busy as u r could u consider walking down our driveway & unscrew the front porch lite bulb we left on to know when power comes back on. We’re the house in the back adjacent to the park.  Thank you again. Bobbi Crawford


Jul 28, 2018, 3:03:53 PMto

Ditto our fearless leader

Sent from my iPhoneSheila Zacker 

John Jacobs

Jul 28, 2018, 5:05:07 PMto

Local status update
5 pm Saturday

The troublesome hotspot(s) along South Ridge are looking in far better shape- helicopter water drops hit them until around noon today, and they started to quiet down. This photo is from about 15 minutes ago:

The hotspot just below Tahquitz Peak had creeped downhill through the retardant line that had been laid down a couple of days ago. After persistent water drops today, it looks much improved.

InciWeb recently released a revised fire map 3 hours ago showing the extent and current activity.

As you can see in this map, virtually the entire May Valley/Upper Herkey Creek area is listed as ‘Scattered Fire’, and the only ‘Intense Fire’ area is a small section on top of South Ridge. Because the map is 3 hours old, this condition may have changed since then. The southerly arm of the fire continues to be quite active moving eastward into Garner Valley.

I was at Idyllwild Fire about 20 minutes ago, and there is no clear word on the status of the evacuation orders. I’ll do the best I can to continue monitoring, and put out word via this email thread the moment I learn anything.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


unread,Jul 28, 2018, 6:06:33 PMto

Thanks John!

Reverence for all Life
On Jul 28, 2018, at 5:05 PM, John Jacobs <jo…> wrote:


Jul 28, 2018, 6:47:38 PMto

John, is there anyone near Pinecrest & Riverside County Playground Dr. who could check on a stretch of the road and get back to me for a friend?thanks,Catherine Yanda

John Jacobs

Jul 28, 2018, 8:53:02 PMto

Local status8:30 pm Saturday
I have received word that the Evacuation Orders for Idyllwild will be lifted tomorrow (Sunday). The exact time has not been confirmed, so it may be best to plan on returning in the afternoon.
Access to Idyllwild will apparently be provided to local residents only, with some kind of proof of residency (i.e. Drivers License).
Importantly, access will only be available via Hwy 243 from Banning. Hwy 243 from Mountain Center are significantly damaged and may not be passable for some time.
If I hear further updates, I will post them here. Other useful resources might be:Idyllwild Fire Department
CHP highway conditions:
Please be careful on your return to Idyllwild!

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549


Aug 1, 2018, 12:40:21 PMto

Hi John:  I own the Happy Trails Cabin right before the County Park entrance.  I know the access from the Hemet/Anza side is not open, but do you know if they are allowing anyone except residents into town?  We’re hoping to wait until the road is open as we access from Fallbook, but I’m hearing that could be 6 weeks or more away–pretty tough on the town to have only one of it’s access roads open.  Thanks again for the all he great information you provided during this incident–very valuable!Regards,Kathy

John Jacobs

Aug 1, 2018, 12:53:23 PMto


I’m not aware of any restrictions to non-Idyllwild residents on Hwy 243 south from Banning at this time- I had to make a loooong drive down 243 and out to Temecula yesterday, then back over to Palm Desert, then back to Idyllwild. I didn’t see any CHP stationed anywhere along 243 checking for residency.

As you mentioned, 243 south of Idyllwild is currently closed, at least as far as from the Lower Saunders Meadow junction all the way to Mountain Center. Hwy 74 is also closed from the bottom of the Hill (Cranston Station, I believe) all the way into Garner Valley (Morris Ranch Road, I believe). At the recent community meeting about the fire (Monday night), it sounded like it could be at least a few weeks before it is is opened in any way, due to extensive road damage, guard rails, etc.

The local stores and businesses seem to be getting back online, but supplies may be limited as they restock. Might want to pass that along to any of your tenants.

The CHP’s road conditions website is probably the best highway resource for actual closures or limitations:

If anyone else has other information, please chime in…

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


,Aug 2, 2018, 8:07:51 AMto Neighborhood Watch Info

Most of us have probably heard but beginning today there is a pilot car leading residents and employees of Idy businesses up the hill. I don’t think that will apply to vacationers. (I kind of hope not so that the line doesn’t get too awfully huge).
Dawn Papaila


,Aug 2, 2018, 8:13:15 AMto

Dawn, where are they leading cars up the hill from?  We have some folks who need to bring their trailer up the hill from the 74 / Hemet if it is open.Catherine3310-876-2596


,Aug 2, 2018, 8:17:52 AMto

We likewise need to get up to our house coming from anza area up 74 to mountain center…pilot car leading from that direction?


,Aug 2, 2018, 8:23:23 AMto Neighborhood Watch Info

Here’s what I know:
– Keenwild to Lake Hemet down to McGaugh Rd- Proof of residency and/or employment required- All motorists must use the pilot car escort
Dawn Papaila858-414-5566


Aug 2, 2018, 8:24:09 AMto Neighborhood Watch Info

Pilot cars turn around and grab traffic coming up the hill too.
Dawn Papaila858-414-5566


Aug 2, 2018, 8:55:44 AMto

As I understand it is just to MountainCenter today. Tomorrow into IdyAfter 2. I’m heading down at 10:00to usher in cars up to Mt center .If that is different I will email.That was MDP as of last night.

Sent from my iPhoneSheila Zacker 

Vivian Holder

Aug 2, 2018, 9:29:32 AMto

Go to Facebook U.S.Forest Service-San Bernardino for the original news release regarding the pilot car.
Vivian Holder


Aug 2, 2018, 10:08:32 AMto

I am down at Lake Hemet. They areNot allowing residents of Idyllwild through JUSTMountain center folks . They will be turned away.

Sent from my iPhoneSheila Zacker 


Aug 2, 2018, 11:14:39 AMto

The sheriff are turning folks around who are going to Idyllwild.Mountain  enter only. Cal fire is incorrect at this time.No Idy or Hemet from 74 

Sent from my iPhoneSheila Zacker 


Aug 3, 2018, 11:59:37 AMto

A heads up to all who lost power during the fire; check your bill carefully–SCE got the billing right on one of my properties but totally wrong on the other in Fern Valley. Tried explaining that I knew I had no power at that property as the security cameras show the minute it went off, and the minute it was restored–an entire week, where as County Park road was only out 48 hours. They tried to tell me that “something was drawing power” as their daily bar chart on my fancy electronic meter showed usage.  Baloney.  When that camera is not working, nothing is working.  I worked my way up the supervisory ladder and they are having a “usage specialist” contact me and then I want that fancy meter inspected.


Aug 3, 2018, 9:59:27 PMto Neighborhood Watch InfoDoes anyone know if the most recent Idyllwild Emergency text is accurate? 
It says that the 243 will be open tomorrow at noon with no restrictions – Is that up and through Idyllwild?. 
It also says that the 74 will be open with restrictions and will use pilot cars from Lake Hemet to Mountain Center and then Mountain Center to Valle Vista.

Idy-area crime reports

John Jacobs

May 27, 2018, 11:24:08 AMto Pine Crest Watch

Hello, all-

I subscribe to an online crime reporting service that sends regular reports of incidents that received law enforcement responses- these reports are sent to me by email on a sometimes daily basis, with a weekly summary. The reports are for an area that extends from Pine Cove down to the Mountain Center area.

The notices are very generalized- they only note the general nature of the law enforcement incident (‘Assault’, ‘Burglary’, ‘Theft’, ‘Other’), and don’t have any details about who was involved, or details of the incidents. The information about the incidents is probably derived from publicly-available law enforcement reports. While the information is not detailed, it does give a general idea of the rates of incidents that are occurring in our community.

I thought I’d start to share these reports, at least by sending out the weekly report for this area- I’ll send it by a screenshot, which does not have active links. I’ll try to do this on a somewhat regular basis, posting it to this email title. If you’d like to subscribe yourself, you can do so here:

Here’s this week’s report:

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


May 27, 2018, 11:56:40 AMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comThx John. I also looked at this last night and notice that it only reports thru the 19th. I’ll be very curious to see if an arrest was made here or in Hemet that seemingly corresponds with the incident on Thursday night.

Dawn Papaila


May 27, 2018, 3:22:42 PMto

That’s what I’m waiting for too. 🙂

Reverence for all Life


,Jun 1, 2018, 4:50:46 PMto

This “assault” arrest is the correct date and is immediately after I heard the scuffle. Might be the fire station where the victim received care:

John Jacobs

Jun 24, 2018, 12:03:18 PMto

This week’s report…anyone know anything about the burglary reported on June 14 on the 54000 block of Pine Crest? (see image)

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


John Jacobs

Jul 1, 2018, 5:55:29 PMto

The latest report….image1.png

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs

Jul 15, 2018, 10:27:23 AMto

This week’s report:

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs

Jul 22, 2018, 9:41:22 AMto

Below is this week’s report.

These reports are summaries of events in the Idyllwild-Pine Cove area- the incidents are described in general terms as ‘Assault’, ‘Theft’, ‘Arrest’, ‘Vandalism’, or ‘Other’. While the daily reports I receive can list incidents with any of these descriptions, the weekly reports I have been posting tend to only provide the more significant incidents such as Assault, Theft, or Arrest (‘Other’ is usually omitted from the weekly reports).

I mention this because over the last few weeks, there have been numerous incidents listed as ‘Other’ located on Saunders Meadow Road, just before the Transfer Station (near the hairpin turn). Apparently, this is the location of a homeless encampment that law enforcement has identified, and is monitoring. There are currently several in the Idyllwild area, posing fire dangers and other human hazards- Idyllwild County Park has had several such encampments in recent years, and according to Joe Chiosso (Ranger at County Park), another one has recently popped up on the far west end of County Park, above Delano Road.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs

Aug 12, 2018, 10:01:50 AMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comA summary of some of the more significant crime incidents in the last two weeks:

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Stabbing incident, 8-21-18

Pine Crest Watch

Aug 22, 2018, 6:10:57 PMto Pine Crest Watch

There was a stabbing incident last night (Tuesday, 8/21/18) in the vicinity of Village Market- apparently near the alley to the north of the store. This was reported to me by several students of mine who were having dinner on the patio area of the Lumber Mill. Somewhat ironically, the course they were taking was related to emergency medicine & response.
The students were having dinner, and witnessed a man (~ 5’ 11”, ~250 lbs) crossing the street towards them from the Market…the man said ‘I’ve been stabbed!’…he repeated that the person is named ‘Trevor’. 
There were also some firefighters present who responded to him- he had been stabbed in the upper left quadrant of his abdomen, with moderate bleeding. Other bystanders assisted this person, and apparently Idyllwild Fire Dept. paramedics arrived shortly afterward.
Does anyone know anything more about this incident? 

_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549


Aug 22, 2018, 6:18:42 PMto

There is a photo of the suspected person identifying him as Jeremy Greene posted on the Idyllwild Eye News Facebook page by the site moderator, James Reed.  

John Jacobs

,Aug 25, 2018, 10:18:22 PMto

Greene charged with local stabbingBy JP Crumrine -August 24, 2018Jeremy Greene was arrested Thursday night for the stabbing of Darryl Scholl Tuesday night.
He has been charged with three felony counts, including assault with a deadly weapon and possession of a firearm. Apparently another warrant for his arrest has been issued from another county.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


Aug 25, 2018, 11:35:52 PMto

Is it known what led to the stabbing?

Reverence for all Life

Chiosso, Joe

,Aug 27, 2018, 8:19:05 PMto

John thanks for all your updates on the park,  we may see more drifters moving through due to the fires impact on the Saunders Meadow area.  Please keep me updated everyone,  your help is needed to keep the area safe.

Chuck Washington message re: fire restrictions, 8-12-18


Aug 12, 2018, 11:44:18 AMto Neighborhood Watch Info

I sent this message to Chuck Washington via his website. If you feel similarly, please do the same:
Many local residents oppose the current decision that allows campfires in Fed, State and County campgrounds when fire danger is high and we nearly lost our town. 
Please help us get a fire ban throughout our mountain area. Of great concern is the 99 site Idyllwild County Camground since it has such a small staff and sits in a residential area and next to a very large children’s camp. 
It is not cold. Fires are unnecessary. Please help. This is psychologically inconsiderate even if it is deemed technically “safe.”
Thank you,Dawn Papaila
Dawn Papaila
Begin forwarded message:

From: Supervisor Chuck Washington – Riverside County District 3 Supervisor <
Date: August 12, 2018 at 11:41:22 AM PDT
Subject:Supervisor Chuck Washington – Riverside County District 3 Supervisor “Campfires should not be permitted near Idyllwild”

Thank you for your message. It has been sent to the office of Supervisor Chuck Washington. We will respond as soon as possible.(


,Aug 12, 2018, 4:03:37 PMto


Sent from my iPhone–

John Jacobs

,Aug 29, 2018, 12:12:53 PMto


Done. It’s hard to imagine any better rationale for fire restrictions than longterm drought, persistent hot, dry weather, and two disastrous fires in five years in the San Jacinto Mountains. Hopefully our elected representatives and local land managers can see that obvious logic.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Vehicle break-ins, 9-15-18

John Jacobs

Sep 15, 2018, 10:14:18 AMto Pine Crest Watch

Last week, at least two vehicles along lower Lower Pine Crest were broken into- as I understand it, not much was missing, but they thoroughly rummaged through the cars, looking for items of value. At least one of the vehicles had been left unlocked. Another vehicle had the trailer electrical connectors vandalized and stolen.

Sometime between Saturday, Sept. 8 & Tuesday, Sept. 11, a student in a course I was teaching at Idyllwild Pines lost a laptop and a Kindle from their vehicle. Their car was parked very close to the back gates to Idyllwild Pines, at the end of Lower Pine Crest. To be clear, they are not 100% certain the loss occurred at this location, as they had not gone back to the car during that timeframe, and didn’t notice any significant signs that anyone had been in the car. She said that she may have left the car unlocked as well. The timing of this loss is noteworthy, in any case.

If anyone has more details about these incidents, please share them here.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Missing person, 11-26-18

John Jacobs

Nov 26, 2018, 9:19:07 PMto Pine Crest Watch

Hello, everyone-

There is a missing Alzheimer’s patient in the Idyllwild area- the helicopter that has been flying around this evening is related to it.

The Sheriff’s Dept sent out a ‘reverse 911’ call with a description of the person- I’ve attached it here. (The message was truncated a bit.)

The Reverse 911 system likely only calls land lines, so you may not have received it if you only have a cell phone.

I’m going to send out a phone message to the Neighborhood Watch system, too.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549



Nov 26, 2018, 9:31:52 PMto

Thanks John, 
At the county park we have had several people come by to help check the park this evening.  So far no one has spotted him in either the county park or Royal Pines according to one of the searchers.  Bobbie and her husband did a search of the street and area around her home as well.  This is a great notification system you set up.


Nov 26, 2018, 9:41:10 PMto

I received a silver alert on my cel phone. 

Reverence for all Life

John Jacobs

Nov 26, 2018, 11:13:12 PMto

From talking with a few Sheriff’s Deputies, the missing man’s last name is Bradish (sp?), 80 years old, wearing all black, and is a new resident of Idyllwild. (Brian Kretsinger is familiar with him.) He was last seen at his home up near La Casita, and was with his dog (roughly 30 lbs, named ‘Ginger’). Scent dogs last had him along Strawberry Creek, near the location where the chainsaw artist works sometime around 3 pm.

This is information I received from several different Deputies, and it is somewhat conflicting (i.e. the chainsaw artist is not along Strawberry Creek). The search is apparently moving westward, through Idyllwild Pines, towards Delano & Tollgate. If his Last Known Point was truly near La Casita, and he did travel somewhere either along Strawberry Creek or the Johnson’s property (where the chainsaw artist works), then typical lost adult behavior would generally find him downhill of these locations, in the vicinity of Delano & Tollgate. The search seems to be shifting in that direction.

I did a walkaround of our general neighborhood area, and part of Idyllwild Pines, encountering a few neighbors along the way. Fingers crossed for this gentleman and his dog on a chilly night.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Idy County Park Abuses, Aug 2018

John Jacobs

Aug 28, 2018, 9:13:10 AMto Pine Crest Watch

Last week I encountered recent abuses to County Park- a collection of odd items alongside the trail just west of the large meadow:

This is the same type of random items that have appeared in the County Park trails during the increase in illegal encampments that were occurring about a year ago. Much of these types of items were found to have come from the Help Center.

Along the trail in the area of the creek just below campsite 63 (immediately adjacent to Idyllwild Pines), numerous trees have recently been tagged:

This tagging has occurred within the last 2-3 weeks- I walk this area regularly, and this only recently appeared.

This is only the most recent graffiti/tagging incident in County Park- there are several other sites that have occurred along the trails in the Park.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Miller, Anthony

unread,Aug 28, 2018, 10:17:39 AMto,

I appreciate the heads up on the report, John. I have copied Joe in and we will take note (and keep an eye out for “Juice” whoever that may be). We will take a quick hike and see if there is a new camp set up in the area and do our looking around. 

Anthony Miller

RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District)
56375 Highway 74 Mountain Center, CA 92561 | (951) 529-5620 | FAX: (951) 955-0261
anmi… |

Follow RivCoParks: Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events

John Jacobs

unread,Aug 28, 2018, 10:32:13 AMto

Anthony & Joe-

Here’s a couple of other graffiti sites that are much more expansive- this is located on the backside of a boulder along the Summit Trail, about 100 yds above the trail junction where it crosses the creek.

I’d be happy to show someone the specific location if there is interest…I’d also be happy to assist in the removal process, as I’ve done a few such graffiti removal projects here in the San Jacintos over the years.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

 August 28, 2018 at 10:17 AM

I appreciate the heads up on the report, John. I have copied Joe in and we will take note (and keep an eye out for “Juice” whoever that may be). We will take a quick hike and see if there is a new camp set up in the area and do our looking around. 

Anthony Miller

RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District)
56375 Highway 74 Mountain Center, CA 92561 | (951) 529-5620 | FAX: (951) 955-0261
anmi… |

Follow RivCoParks: Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events

Chiosso, Joe

unread,Aug 29, 2018, 8:01:40 AMto

Thanks John Ill be around and if you can think of any supplies we would need please contact me.   Thanks for your help.  My county work phone is 951 212-0573


unread,Aug 29, 2018, 10:19:43 AMto

I work in public lands management and have been developing graffiti removal protocols for our department, so have been doing a fair amount of research on this stuff. Purdue put out a good bulletin about removing graffiti from trees, if you haven’t seen this one. I can also send the guidelines that we are developing, if you are interested.
I would be happy to help with removal if you need any extra hands- 


John Jacobs

Aug 29, 2018, 11:13:05 AMto


That’s a helpful resource, and any guidance you could provide to this effort would be appreciated. Removal is a time sensitive issue, as the longer that the paint cures, the harder it is to remove, and the continued presence of graffiti seems to provide encouragement to future abuses.

I just ordered a product called ‘Vandlguard SuperClean Graffiti Remover’- it is citrus based, so this should be safe for the tree, and the plants around it. Hopefully it will have an effect- I’m sure you’ve experienced that removal projects are highly variable in success.

The larger graffiti on the boulder along the Summit Trail has been there for at least a year or two, and will be tougher to remove due to the time it’s been there, the nature of granite, and it’s more distant location- pressure washing isn’t an option since there’s no water source anywhere nearby. If you have suggestions for that kind of a situation, please pass them along.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


unread,Aug 29, 2018, 1:21:48 PMto

Unfortunately, it can be difficult without a pressure washer or blaster. This stuff is pretty effective, but needs to be washed off with a pressure washer. Not sure how well it would work without one. It might be worth trying the citrus stuff you bought first, if that works on the rocks it would be a relatively easy and low-impact solution. 
We have a big graffiti problem at one of my parks (there is a high school nearby), but really are only getting started on dealing with removal, so most of this is still experimental for me too. Another thing to be considered is the surrounding habitat- power tools can impact bird nesting, chemicals and abrasives have to be kept out of riparian zones. It isn’t easy 🙁 


Miller, Anthony

unread,Aug 30, 2018, 8:04:32 AMto

Larryn and John-

I do appreciate the product suggestion. Graffiti removal is certainly an art form and identifying the best way to remove it from trees safely and conscious for the health of the tree and surrounding plants is certainly something we are keeping in mind. 

Before our team removes the graffiti I am going to forward this stuff over to LT. Hall with Riverside Sheriffs. He is working hard in our community with the flooding concerns and has also been quite active in helping us out with the homeless. We will forward over our information and perhaps he may know who this “Juice” character is.

Anthony Miller

RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District)
56375 Highway 74 Mountain Center, CA 92561 | (951) 529-5620 | FAX: (951) 955-0261
anmi… |

Follow RivCoParks: Facebook | Twitter | Upcoming Events

John Jacobs

unread,Aug 31, 2018, 9:30:16 AMto

I had some good success yesterday with the removal of the graffiti tagging on the trees located below campsite 63 in County Park. A couple of citrus-based graffiti removal products (one provided by Jim Adams at Forest Lumber) did the job pretty well. (Dave Sandlin also called volunteering the use of some of his equipment, if it could be of use on these projects.) Here’s some ‘after’ pics:

A wire brush attachment on my drill took most of this paint off nicely.

The citrus-based solution was used on these live trees- the bark is still a bit wet:

There is a slight red haze on the trees, but with time that should fade- it’s not very noticeable at all if you didn’t know about the tagging. The dusky grey will return as well over time.

These are the tools that did the job:

The ‘VandlClean Super’ product in particular did a great job of loosening the paint. I found it on Amazon for about $23. It was sprayed on, left for a few minutes, then with some elbow grease, gently scrubbed away with plastic bristled brushes and scrubbers, and then thoroughly rinsed with water from the tank sprayer.

Let’s hope that the remainder of the VandlClean won’t be needed anytime soon.

The larger ‘mural’ located on the rock along the Summit Trail is going to be a more involved project, since it is well away from a water source. It has been there for a while, and will likely need some kind of solvent treatment, and ideally a pressure washing (if a means can be arranged to get a washer and water source to the site). I’d be happy to assist with that process, if there is interest from County Park in cleaning it up.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Chiosso, Joe

unread,Aug 31, 2018, 9:47:28 AMto

Thanks John that really looks great,  if you can get me the product info and any supplies you need we can have these items on hand.  As for the rocks if any one wants to help or have an idea on how to clean them Id love that.   Thanks for all the help and feed back.


unread,Aug 31, 2018, 10:46:39 AMto

Thank you John!

Reverence for all Life

 August 30, 2018 at 8:04 AM

Larryn and John-

I do appreciate the product suggestion. Graffiti removal is certainly an art form and identifying the best way to remove it from trees safely and conscious for the health of the tree and surrounding plants is certainly something we are keeping in mind. 

Before our team removes the graffiti I am going to forward this stuff over to LT. Hall with Riverside Sheriffs. He is working hard in our community with the flooding concerns and has also been quite active in helping us out with the homeless. We will forward over our information and perhaps he may know who this “Juice” character is.

Anthony Miller


Miller, Anthony

unread,Sep 1, 2018, 1:58:45 PMto

Thank you John for your recommendations and for your help! Once the Labor Day weekend is wrapped up if you or Larryn or anyone would like to assist with the removal of the rock graffiti on the Summit Trail I will be working with Joe to organize and get equipment. Please call or email me separately with contact information and availability so we can coordinate. I will work with Joe to get some of the citrus based cleaner- that did such a nice job out there we will definitely need to have that in our shop. 

Anthony Miller

RivCoParks (Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District)
56375 Highway 74 Mountain Center, CA 92561 | (951) 529-5620 | FAX: (951) 955-0261
anmi… |

John Jacobs

unread,Jan 30, 2019, 6:19:07 PMto pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.comMore graffiti has occurred within Idyllwild County Park- this was found on a large rock that faces the Hillside Trail, above Campsite #73:

This is located on the tree at the base of this same rock:

Both of these graffiti vandalism have occurred sometime in the last six months.

Last fall, I also found this graffiti vandalism- it appears to be the work of the same person whose vandalism I reported here last August:

^^^This is located on backside of the boulder just off of the main road, around campsite #68. (This is in the middle of the popular bouldering/climbing area.)

^^^These are located on the trail on the far west end of County Park, where a use trail crosses the creek, and goes onto Idyllwild Pines Camp property.

I spent most of today working on cleaning these areas up- the large green ‘eye’ was especially difficult- it did not respond well to the same product (VandlClean Super) I used on the trees found last summer. The rock on this side of this boulder is soft, decomposing granite, and the paint had soaked fairly deeply into the rock over the last several months. Here is the ‘operation’ I used to try and remove this graffiti:

Over the course of two days, I treated this area with products and attempted to scrub them off using a nylon brush, then a wire brush, and rinsing. Neither procedure had good results. So today, after applying the product and allowing to soak for some time, I used a gasoline engine pressure washer. Since there is no water source here, I carried in the water in buckets, and created a system to run water into the pressure washer. This was much more successful, however it did scar the softer granite more than I would have liked.

After this area, I used the pressure washer on the boulder near the road (red ‘smiley face’)- that granite is much harder, and there was greater success to be had. After the sites have had some time to dry, I will take some pictures and post them here.

The increasing graffiti that is occurring throughout our local mountains is very disturbing.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


unread,Jan 31, 2019, 10:50:39 AMto

Thank for your efforts John!

Dan Papaila

Chiosso, Joe

unread,Feb 3, 2019, 4:23:50 PMto

Hey John wanted to thank you for all you help,  we have a new Ranger at the Nature Center and if you get a chance it would be great if you could touch base with him so he can be in the loop.   Thanks I can give you his contact info next time I see you.

Idy County Park volunteer request, 5-22-19


unread,May 22, 2019, 2:03:01 PMto Neighborhood Watch Notifications

Hi Neighbors,
As some of you know, I serve on the Board of the Friends of San Jacinto Mountain County Parks which serves the Nature Center and the Idyllwild County Park as well as Hurkey Creek, McCall and a small park in Pine Cove. I’m forwarding the email below because “The Friends” have adopted the Hillside Trail and our next volunteer trail maintenance day is June 15th. The first five who volunteer will earn a free annual membership to the Friends (which gives you free transit access to the Park and Nature Center).
We also have Director positions available that we hope to fill at the Annual Meeting on June 13th.
Dawn Papaila

Save the Dates!2019 Nature Center Events:May 25-26, Wildflower FestivalJune 22, Lemon Lily Restoration DayAugust 3, Butterfly DazeOctober 19, Trail of the AcornAll events are 10am to 3pm.‘Friends’ Annual MeetingJune 13th, 2019 at 4:00pmat the Idyllwild Nature CenterAt the upcoming ‘Friends’ Annual Meeting there will be 4 Board of Director positions open (1 two year position and 3 three year positions). If you are interested in serving on the ‘Friends’ board simply attend the annual meeting and have someone nominate you or nominate yourself for the position. Responsibilities are minimal, requiring attendance at monthly meetings and any other ways in which you choose to involve yourself in board activities.Volunteer Opportunities!We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities and try to match the volunteer with the activity they most enjoy. You can pick up a volunteer packet at the Nature Center at 25225 Hwy 243, Idyllwild, CA 92549.
25225 Highway 243Idyllwild, CA 92549(951) 659-3850 ‌
Friends of San Jacinto Mountain County Parks | PO Box 1522, Idyllwild, CA 92549 | About our service providerSent by b… in collaboration withTry email marketing for free today!


unread,May 23, 2019, 12:06:15 PMto

Thanks for keeping us informed and all that the Board is doing.  I’ll keep the date in mind and if I’m here will help on the 15th.  Sheila Kloss

Chiosso, Joe

unread,May 23, 2019, 6:35:07 PMto

Can I help 


unread,May 23, 2019, 6:40:05 PMto

Count me in, 

SCE work, Road status, 6-7-19

John Jacobs

Jun 7, 2019, 1:26:17 PMto Pine Crest Watch
Helicopters in Idyllwild
 June 7, 2019 from Mountain Disaster Preparedness
You may have noticed or will notice additional SCE crews doing inspections, infrastructure improvement work and vegetation management in your community the past few months. In addition to this work, SCE will be conducting aerial inspections of its electrical equipment in your community over the next few weeks. The aerial inspections of SCE’s distribution facilities will involve the use of helicopter and/or drones and will only take place during daylight hours. We are doing this in all high fire risk areas—approximately 35 percent of our service area. We understand our activities may be disruptive when we do this important safety work and will do everything we can to minimize the impact to you and your community. We appreciate your support and cooperation, as this is part of our ongoing commitment to safety and supporting California’s fight against wildfires. For additional information about how SCE is addressing the threat of wildfires, please visit

Mountain Disaster Preparedness will host a second Community Meeting to provide an update on the emergency project for SR-74 and SR-243. The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13th at the Idyllwild School Gym from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Caltrans staff, Ames Construction, CHP, and Supervisor Chuck Washington will present information on the status of repairs and escort process and answer questions from the community.
[NOTE: Hwy. 74 from Hemet is open with escorts from 5 to 8 a.m. every morning and from 6 p.m. until midnight. The alternative access to town is via Hwy. 371 through Anza and on the 74 from Palm Desert.]

The following article about access was printed in the May 29 Press-Enterprise :
May storms again pummel Idyllwild roads, postponing reopening of Highways 74, 243
Press Enterprise David Downey May 29, 2019 at 8:03 am
Highway 243,the Esperanza Firefighters Memorial Highway, is closed at the base of the San Jacinto Mountains because of new storm damage, on top of the washouts that occurred during winter. Caltrans officials say the damage is so extensive they have no idea when motorists will be able to reach the mountain resort town of Idyllwild via the 243 again. 
Battered sections of Highways 74 and 243 that lead to a Riverside County mountain resort took another hit from unusually strong storms last week. Now officials say it will be well into summer before one road reopens fully — and they still don’t know when the other highway might open.
Caltrans estimates it will be two more months — late July — before Highway 74 opens around the clock between Hemet and Idyllwild — with pilot vehicles escorting motorists through work zones.
As for Highway 243 between the 10 Freeway and Idyllwild, Caltrans officials say they have no idea when it will reopen because the damage is so extensive. “The weather has just not been our friend,” Caltrans spokeswoman Terri Kasinga said.
The highways that connect to Idyllwild from the north and west were knocked out initially by a massive Valentine’s Day storm that dumped 8 inches of rain. Multiple sections collapsed. Boulders spilled onto the pavement. Drain pipes under the roads failed. Sinkholes opened up.
Then, with still more storms pounding the mountains last week, Kasinga said, swollen rainwater has undermined road sections that were repaired or nearly fixed and exposed new trouble spots. “And more keep popping up,” she said.
The fresh damage is frustrating for Caltrans officials and construction workers. “We’re taking like 10 steps forward and five steps back,” Kasinga said. It’s also frustrating for Idyllwild merchants. They depend on the tourist dollar for their livelihoods. And the few routes still available are long and circuitous. Because of that, Idyllwild School Principal Matt Kraemer said he has dubbed the town “Idyllwild Island.”
One can still get to Idyllwild if they pack patience. Highway 74 is open from the east, through Palm Desert. Visitors also can head east from Temecula on Highway 79 South, then northeast on Highway 371 through Anza.
From the west, Highway 74 opens sparingly — 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. in the morning and 6 p.m. to midnight in the evening. But the going is slow. Motorists must be escorted by pilot vehicles one direction at a time.
Bryan Tallent, who co-owns Coyote Red’s Country Gourmet, a store that specializes in jerky, jam, barbecue sauces and hot sauce, said he wasn’t surprised to hear it’s going to take longer to fix the primary routes. “We’ve had snow two times in the last week and constant rain,” Tallent said. “So we figured that, if nothing else, it had to be slowing them (the construction workers) down.” Tallent said his store’s sales are down 50 percent since February. “We’ve lost thousands of dollars already,” he said. Tallent said he had been hoping for a rebound over the summer. Now, he said, Idyllwild may not bounce back until the Thanksgiving-Christmas shopping season. Businesses are operating on reduced hours. Restaurants are closed midweek, Tallent said. “The weekdays are just like a ghost town up here,” he said.
While talking on the phone Tuesday, May 28, a customer asked Tallent about the absence of a favored sea-salt seasoning product on Coyote Red’s shelves. “Oh, the sea salt,” he said. “Unfortunately we won’t have that for a while. But we will have it again. It will probably be further into the summer before we do.”
Large sections of shelves are empty, he said, because the reduced cash flow has forced owners to put off placing orders for new inventory. But there is reason to be positive, some say.
Kraemer, the school principal, said the vehicle escorts on Highway 74 have brought some relief to teachers who live in Hemet and teach in Idyllwild, and for Idyllwild teens who are bused to Hemet High School. Kraemer said he just hopes the 74 will be fully open by Aug. 12, the first day of the next school year.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

Suspicious activity, 6-19-19

John Jacobs

Jun 19, 2019, 10:24:06 AMto Pine Crest Watch

Hello, all-

Charley & Diane asked that I pass along some suspicious activity they have observed in the neighborhood over the last several days. Most recently, Charley observed a tall man, about 40 years old, with a grey/black hoodie, walking around the building where the former ‘Crazy Train’ restaurant was located, trying to open doors. Diane said that Dan Papaila has also observed this person around County Park. He has been observed to be coughing loudly, and doesn’t appear to be healthy.

Over the last couple of weeks, loud moaning and yelling sounds have been heard in the very early morning hours, coming in the direction between Pine Crest and the Highway. Miscellaneous items have been found lying in the area, including bags of food, and a plastic tub of items located near the corner of Pine Crest and Riv. Co. Play. Rd.

This is consistent with the type of behaviors seen in this vicinity during summer months, when homeless populations in the Idyllwild area increase. Probably a good idea to keep homes and cars locked up, and please reply to this email with anything you’ve observed in the area recently.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549


unread,Jun 19, 2019, 1:01:46 PMto

Thanks for the information.  Sheila Kloss, lower Pine Crest

Cierra Potts

unread,Jun 19, 2019, 1:05:39 PMto

Possibly related, heard rustling around my back yard living off lower pinecrest in the red rental cabin around 9-10 last night.
We immediately locked up everything.
I do have a shed we keep locked and thought maybe they were looking around 

Bruce Watts

unread,Jun 19, 2019, 5:10:05 PMto

Not to change the subject but did anyone else hear what sounded like a gunshot at 3:45am this morning? It sounded like it came from near the Highway and County Park Road.

John Jacobs

unread,Jun 19, 2019, 6:52:25 PMto

I have talked with several residents along Pine Crest today, all of whom have heard the early morning yelling- usually before 5 am. There was a homeless person encamped between Barbara & Buds property and the Johnson property a couple of months ago- he fit a similar description as the one Charley saw this minding: tall, thin, dark  hair and clothing, very dirty. He has some form of mental illness, but is seen at the library using computers occasionally. (Possibly named Forrest?) He had a similar noisy behavior at early hours. Since that time, he moved on.
More recently, the early morning yelling has been reported closer to Riv Co Play Rd- at least two residents believed it was coming from the gazebo below/behind ‘Crazy Train’. I did a reasonably thorough walk around of the gully that runs between the highway and Pine Crest, including behind the gazebo. I saw no signs of any kind of encampment.
Only one resident I’ve spoke with today has attempted to call the Sheriff’s Dept- the dispatcher asked for a physical description, but the resident was not comfortable approaching them to obtain a good description.
I would suggest that any resident who has heard this disturbance, or has seen unusual behavior (such as attempting to open doors of a building) to call the Sheriff’s Dept. non-emergency phone:

951-776-1099Try to have as specific a description of the location/direction of the noise as possible. (A physical description is even better.) Even if you aren’t sure, repeated calls are the best way to put this on their ‘radar’.
_________________________________________Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch888.522.9001Idyllwild, California  92549

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