IWD water & sewer rate increase, Spring 2023


Feb 20, 2023, 10:24:55 AM

Hello all,

I think this is important to share with you all. If you don’t agree, I apologize. IWD is currently doing a 5-year rate study and at the last board meeting considered raising water rates 8% per year and sewer rates 10% per year! This would double your current rates in approximately 8 years! If you feel that this is ridiculous as I do, please contact President Schelly or VP Szabadi to let them know that you are not in agreement. When it comes up for a vote in a couple months, enough written disagreements will cancel their plans. IWD loves to waste our rate payer funds on new trucks and office remodels, and has put off the new sewer plant construction so that a $2M plant is now $8M and they have not applied for any grant funding that I am aware of. We all know that rates need to increase, but IWD needs to be more conservative with spending and scale down projects to a more realistic level. Please let our fellow rate payers know about this if you can. I am not on social media, but community groups like Idyllwild Eye News and others should hopefully get a post. Attend the board meetings if you can. Thanks for your time 🙂

Dave Hunt

ibotmountain's profile photo


Feb 20, 2023, 10:32:15 AM

Will do. Iva


Apr 18, 2023, 6:34:54 AM

Hi all,

I think that everyone on this list is also on sewer with IWD. They are planning on doubling our current rate with a 13% increase per year for 5 years so they can build a new $8-10 MILLION new treatment facility. The IWD Board wants the customers to pay for it without any grant funding. I think that it can be paid for completely with infrastructure grant dollars. If more than half of the customers vote NO, it can’t pass due to Prop. 218. I hope we all band together to make IWD be more fiscally responsible and caring toward their customers. Many residents simply cannot afford this increase. PLEASE spread the word. Thanks so much!

Dave Hunt 

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Apr 18, 2023, 9:17:21 AM

Thanks for the heads up on this, Dave.

There is a IWD Board Meeting tomorrow, April 19, 6 pm- the agenda can be found here, with lots of details about the proposed plan and the projected cost increases.

This meeting is especially important, as I understand this proposed rate change is close to being approved. This is a good opportunity to learn more about this, and express your views. Bring a neighbor, and tell a local resident to attend.
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


Apr 18, 2023, 5:41:20 PM

A few of us are on septic…those of us on the wrong side of the County Park Road. I guess maybe that’s not a bad thing. 🙂

Dawn Papaila

kyoshinvelez's profile photo


Apr 18, 2023, 5:45:41 PM

I had the same question, though it doesn’t make the rate increase good.

Will those of us not on sewer have the same rate increase? Just wondering. Again, not because I’m favorable to it.

Having been a grant writer for much of my professional life, I’m curious why they don’t want to utilize grants.

I know that getting questions answered here does not help the outcome, so I should try to attend the meeting tomorrow.

Thank you,

Valerie Velez  

davahunt's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 6:33:58 AM

Water customers will get 8% increase per year. Sewer customers get 13% per year. They should still have to take a board vote on the increase options because the last vote was on a discussion item and not an action item (which was a Brown Act violation). There is an 8% option that includes a $4M dollar grant funding for sewer that I hope they will vote for if enough customers are at the meeting requesting it. It will then have 45 days for feedback from customers and if more than half submit a written NO vote (which must be turned in at the office) from a card that will be mailed out, it cannot pass (Prop. 218)

lupuspaganus's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 11:36:49 AM


Thank you for your leadership and guidance on this matter. Is there a way for a fee-paying residence to vote in absentia? Since I am Africa, can I have someone cast a ballot on my behalf?

I understand the need to upgrade facilities, but a grant and user-paid blended model seems more reasonable in this case compared to a full use-pays approach.

In either case, I hope the process at least adheres to established IWD governance protocols and is fully transparent.

Best regards and thanks again for your efforts.

Hal Carey

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 12:49:24 PM

Hi Dave,

We are also off the Hill. Please share the date and time of this important meeting and if we can have someone vote for us in our absence. Perhaps there is an email address that we can use to submit our support of the 8% raise supplemented by $4M in grant funding.

Thank you. I regret that my first reply seemed glib.


dianedarcy7's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 12:51:43 PM

Go to Idyllwild Water District website. Look at board member page to find the email addresses.

davahunt's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 1:07:25 PM

Hi Hal,

Hope all is well! If the neighbors are the bill payers, they can vote instead of the owner. Thanks!


davahunt's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 1:10:05 PM

The actual ballots will be sent in the mail and can be returned via mail. The meeting is tonight at 6pm at the IWD office

kellyvisel's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 1:28:20 PM

Hi All,

I saw a zoom link on the website Jon previously sent with tonight’s agenda. If you’re off the hill, it seems like a good alternative to attending the meeting.

iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 2:44:55 PM

Hi Neighbors,

I had not idea that the water district had a website…they seemed to quaint for that. 🙂 

Anyway, I can’t find a Zoom link to tonight’s meeting so if someone has that information, please pass it on. I skimmed this long thread but I don’t see it.

Here’s the link to the BOD page for email information: https://www.idyllwildwater.com/board-members

Here’s the link to the upcoming meetings (no Zoom info included though): https://www.idyllwildwater.com/board-of-directors-meetings


Jacob Booher's profile photo

Jacob Booher

Apr 19, 2023, 2:57:05 PM

The Zoom link and meeting info is pasted below. I pulled it from the first page of today’s Board of Directors meeting agenda, which contains a scanned and nonfunctional version of the link. 

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84448214 751?pwd=dzJUZWRkQjlaSE9GN1hHczZKbWZ2dz09  

Meeting ID: 844 4821 4751
Passcode: 079785

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 3:02:13 PM

Thank you Jacob!

I just sent an email to the BOD. I shared that as an IWD rate payer for the past 19 years, I support the upgrade and I also expect that they will seek grant funding to supplement the cost. I will also attend the meeting via Zoom.


John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Apr 19, 2023, 4:36:51 PM


If you haven’t already sent that message to the IWD Board, you might consider holding off until after the meeting- there has been only a limited amount of effort IWD has invested in making this proposed rate change public, and there may very well be new information presented there that shapes your view.

Personally, I’m a bit (lot) skeptical, and there are several elements that I need more clarification on. For starters, the agenda that was previously posted on the IWD website contained several documents detailing the current status of IWD rate payers, and the projected cost increases of this proposal. These two documents show where IWD water and sewer rates are in comparison to other areas.

(These docs are not in the Agenda posted for tonight- no idea why they were replaced, or if they are located elsewhere.) As you can see, both the water and sewer rates are already on the higher end of all of the examples provided. This rate increase would place IWD rates clearly at the highest of all of these areas (on or off the Hill).

Several years ago, there was a rate increase proposed & passed by an earlier board- if I remember correctly, the increased revenue was intended for various capital improvements in the system well into the future. What happened to those funds?

I understand IWD has applied for grants in the past for sewer treatment plant improvements, apparently one some time around 2020 that the Board turned down?

If this grant that is being considered as a means to offset rate increases, what happens if the grant doesn’t get approved? Or is delayed? Or the next Board turns it away?

As I understand it, roughly 1/3 of IWD customers have sewer connections (perhaps far less). If the primary goal is to improve the sewer treatment capacity, why are those without sewer connection paying higher water rates?

Who is the group that was contracted to do this rate increase proposal, and why were they chosen? Were any other consulting firms considered?

Why is IWD currently renting office space here on the Hill while one of their offices are being repaired/remodelled? There is a very nice, recently (expensively) remodeled meeting room at the main office that could certainly serve as adequate temporary office space, and incur less cost (that is ultimately borne by rate payers).

There is talk of building a new office space at Foster Lake- is this *really* necessary? These office space expenses are costly, and seem quite extravagant in the context of proposing a dramatic rate increase to customers.

No doubt many other questions will come to mind tonight. These rate increases are significant, and will be permanent. I need to be convinced they are necessary before supporting them.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

kellyvisel's profile photo


Apr 19, 2023, 9:36:25 PM

The Zoom audio was horrendous, I couldn’t hear most of the meeting. I hope those who attended in person made an impact on the board, I’ll keep an eye on our mailbox for our chance to provide input on this.

– Kelly


May 15, 2023, 4:57:19 PM

Here is a graph that makes pretty clear what IWD is planning on doing if you are a sewer ratepayer. The yellow bar is where we will be in 5 years. We can stop this from happening if more than half of the customers send in a written protest. If the rate increase does not pass, IWD will be forced to get full grant funding. Please spread the word. Thanks 🙂

Dave Hunt

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


May 15, 2023, 5:57:03 PM

I wrote my email a few weeks ago. 👍


davahunt's profile photo


May 16, 2023, 6:30:54 AM

Everyone please remember that a written hard copy statement of opposition is required by Prop 218 in order to be counted. it can’t be emailed, phoned in, verbal, etc. and must include name, signature, street address and account number. Opposition letters will be counted at the public hearing June 21. If more than half of the sewer customers oppose, it can’t pass.


dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


May 16, 2023, 3:21:32 PM

Thanks for the clarification, Dave. How “old school.” 😎

John Jacobs

May 18, 2023, 3:43:28 PM


Idyllwild Water District mailed out a ‘Notice of Public Hearing’ this week detailing their plans for a significant rate increase to both water and sewer rates for customers served by IWD. This rate increase has been in consideration by the Board of Directors for some time, and it is now moving to a point of implementation.

Dave Hunt’s email (May 15) included a graph showing a comparison of water and sewer rates between various water districts in the vicinity, in comparison to IWD- this original graph (illustrating sewer rates, amended by Dave- see below) was created by Bartles Wells Associates, the consulting firm selected by the IWD General Manager and approved by the Board of Directors to conduct a feasibility study. It is worth noting that IWD’s rates are already near the highest of any of those compared, and the proposed rate increase would raise them clearly to the highest level (over twice the average of other service providers).

There are 4 variations that the Board considered for the sewer/wastewater treatment plan, ranging from 8% – 15% increases in rates, depending on receiving grant funds to supplement the cost (these variations are available in the agenda of the March 29 special meeting). The rationale for the options including grant funds is that if a grant was received, the rates would be adjusted downwards accordingly (one would be reasonably skeptical about a utility providing such a rate decrease, especially given the historic instability of IWD’s Board of Directors and General Management). It is noteworthy that the proposed plan in this Public Hearing Notice did not include any mention of these grant funds at all– it simply includes one of the highest proposed rate plans.

Besides these concerns, there are many other considerations and implications to this rate increase, including the history of IWD’s rate increases and how those funds have been spent on various capital projects, other alternatives to repairing or replacing the wastewater treatment plant, not to mention the dramatic financial impact these rates will have on low and fixed income households.

If this plan is concerning to you, your voice needs to be heard very soon- IWD will be conducting two Town Hall meetings on this plan- Tuesday, May 30 and Wednesday, May 31, at 5 pm at the Idyllwild Town Hall. Public opinion will be heard at this time, and IWD staff will be present along with representatives from Bartles Wells Associates.

The Board of Directors will meet on June 21, 2023 to finalize this plan. If more than half of either the water or sewer rate payers submit valid, written objections to either (or both) plans, the plans will not be implemented as proposed. (There are currently about ~600 sewer connections in Idyllwild Water District, so over 300 objections must be received.)

The ‘Letters of Protest’ (IWD’s phrase, not mine) must be formatted in a very specific manner to be considered valid- attached is a document that details how to write a Letter of Protest, and how to submit it. Part of that document includes a form that simply needs to have your information typed into it, then printed out, and physically signed (*not* electronic- very important!). The deadline for submission of these Letters is June 21, 2023– now is the time to make your voice heard on this issue, and please pass this along via any social media or email forwarding!
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

maryestroud's profile photo


May 18, 2023, 4:08:11 PM

John thank you so much for sending this very helpful information. 

On a side note, our family has been noticing that the water quality from the tap is quite poor lately; the water is visibly cloudy – alarmingly so when we changed the water in our fish tank. We contacted IWD and Brian came out to test our water about two weeks ago. The reading for chlorine was .09 And should normally be above 1, as Brian explained it to me. He tested the water at other points on the street and found the same results. He also opened up the fire hydrant at the end of the street to try to clear the lines, with little to no effect. I have noticed the same cloudiness when visiting friends and also when eating out at restaurants in town. It seems to me a district-wide issue, but what do I know? I’m not a water scientist or field tech, I just know when water doesn’t appear right in my water glass. 

For now, our family has stopped drinking the water. I’m just posting this in case other people have similar concerns. You can definitely call the office and have them come test your water. I was told the issue was being escalated but have not heard from anyone in several days. Perhaps if others find similar concerns, more communication with the powers that be would be helpful in getting the issue resolved. 

-Mary Stroud 

kellyvisel's profile photo


May 18, 2023, 4:24:59 PM

We’ll definitely send in our protest letter. Unfortunately, we’ll be out of town the week of the 30th; do we think it’s a coincidence that they scheduled this for the week after a holiday weekend?

Mary – Yes! Our water has been tasting and looking off as well. I thought it was the filter in our fridge, but we changed it and haven’t seen any changes in water quality.

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

May 18, 2023, 4:30:40 PM

Yes, I have seen the same issues related to the water, and several other residents along Pine Crest have had similar observations. I’ve talked with two persons at IWD in the last three days about this- they are aware of it, and apparently they did some flushing of lines yesterday that they hope will improve conditions- I was told it may take a few days to clarify. (Apparently there are other areas outside of Pine Crest that have had similar issues lately.)

I agree- if it doesn’t improve in the next few days, contact IWD:

I’d like to suggest keeping this email thread focused on IWD’s rate increase proposal, as it will provide more usefulness if it is targeted.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

maryestroud's profile photo


May 18, 2023, 4:40:46 PM

Yes! Apologies to deflect from the rate hike issue. Let’s definitely stay on course with the protest letters in this thread. 

sheila's profile photo


May 21, 2023, 10:19:31 AM

I have noticed my water after it stands in the glass for a few hours has a murky film on the top. This is happening on South Circle and the water smells very strong of chemicals.

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

May 25, 2023, 10:04:18 AM


The IWD Public Hearings on the proposed water and sewer rate increases are upcoming- next Tuesday, May 30 and Wednesday, May 31, at 5 pm at Town Hall.

These Hearings will be include IWD Board of Directors and the Bartles Wells Associates consulting firm (who created the proposal), and will be the only currently scheduled opportunity for public questions and commentary to IWD, before the Board meets to finalize the proposal on June 21. Some key considerations:

Letters of Protest
Both the water and sewer rate increase proposals will require reconsideration by the Board if Letters of Protest are received from at least half the rate payers (of each service). Due to Proposition 218, these letters must be in a very specific format, as described below.

Eligibility of Letters
Per the terms of Prop 218, a Letter of Protest is only deemed valid for either the water or sewer rate proposal if it is written by the person who owns the property where the sewer &/or water connection is provided (or the tenant who regularly pays that bill). As a result, there are numerous properties on Pine Crest (between Maranatha and Riv Co Play Rd) that are owned by a single person, however there are multiple units/tenants in a single building that has a single water & sewer connection. As an example, along this section of Pine Crest there is a group of three homes owned by a single person, with a single water and sewer connection, yet there are 15 individual ‘apartments’ in these buildings, with 1-4 persons in each ‘apartment’. In spite of the fact there are ~50 people living in these buildings, only one Letter of Protest will be eligible, though there are (in effect) 15 rate payers for water or sewer service in these three buildings. (This is only one example of multiple such arrangements along Pine Crest.) This hardly seems to provide an equitable view of rate payers on these proposals, and needs clarification by the Board.

Tallying of Letters
As I understand it, the Board intends to tally each of these letters at their June 21 meeting. Given that there are nearly 600 sewer connections and 1700 water connections in IWD, and each of these letters may state opposition to either the water or sewer proposals (or both), and the likely difficulty of interpreting the intent of some of those letters, it does not seem practical to be able to tally them adequately while this meeting is in session. Moreover, who will be tallying the letters, and will reasonable criteria be utilized to verify each letters intent, or to possibly disqualify them? There seems to be a tremendous opportunity for the voice of ratepayers to be marginalized in this process.

Confidence in IWD to effectively use increased revenues
IWD has implemented rate increases in the recent past, stating they were intended to be used for various capital improvement projects (esp. in the water system). In the interest of having confidence that the current management will effectively use these new revenues, can some evidence be shown of how those past revenue increases were spent, and if they aligned with the capital expenses that were used to justify them?

As noted by many residents, water quality has suffered very recently, and the IWD management response has effectively been ‘we don’t know why it has changed, the water is fine’- this doesn’t inspire any real confidence in the current management, let alone appropriately using a significant revenue increase.

Comparative rates
As demonstrated by Bartles Wells Associates data (see graph in 5/18/23 email, below), IWD water and sewer rates are already well above the average, and near the highest of many services of comparable services in this area- these proposed rate increases will push IWD to the highest end.

Grant funding
IWD has described the integration of grant funding to offset some of the costs of the sewer system improvements, stating that if these grants were received, rates would be adjusted downward accordingly. Does IWD really expect rate payers to believe that such a downward rate adjustments would be made? Isn’t it more in the interest of rate payers to secure these grants first, then adjust rates as needed?

Did IWD consider any other consulting firm besides Bartles Wells Associates? Why were they selected to provide this proposal? What alternatives have been considered to address the water and sewer system IWD issues? How will IWD proceed with addressing these issues if one or both of these proposals do not receive approval?

There are certainly many more issues to these rate increase proposals- please post up your own thoughts here in this thread for others to consider.  Most importantly, strongly consider attending one or both of the Town Hall meetings next week, and be sure to submit a Letter of Protest before the deadline to state your views clearly to IWD management. (Bring a neighbor to the meeting, and forward or distribute this information via whatever social media you prefer!)

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

May 30, 2023, 5:09:44 PM

Apparently, the IWD ‘Town Hall’ meetings are located at the IWD Board Room of their main office…not at Town Hall..

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California   92549



John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Jun 1, 2023, 11:01:45 AM

Takeaways from the two Town Hall meetings regarding the water and sewer rate increase proposal- I will try to recount them as objectively as reasonably possible:

The first meeting was attended by 9 persons- 4 of which are resident/ratepayers, plus IWD’s General Manager (GM) and the Chief Financial Officer, the IWD Board President, the consultant from Bartles Wells, and a reporter from the Town Crier. The second meeting was attended by 6 persons- 2 residents, IWD’s General Manager, the Bartles Wells consultant, an employee of Fern Valley Water District, and the Town Crier reporter. The Bartles Wells consultant laid out the plan and rationale, then it was opened to questions.

The observation was called out that both the water and sewer rates currently have IWD customers in the upper end of comparative systems in the Southern California area, and the proposal will result in IWD rates being at the highest end of any of those systems. The response from the Bartles consultant was that this is true, and is a function of the fact that the other comparative systems will also see rate changes over time, thus moderating this comparison.

Sewer rates
Much of the discussion in both meetings centered on the sewage treatment plant, the need for replacement, the process of how IWD plans to fund it (via rate increases and grants). When the question of securing grant funds first (and then creating rate increases accordingly) was raised, IWD management responded that they don’t believe grants can be pursued with grant programs until a district can show their customers also support the project (via an approved rate increase).

Skepticism was expressed regarding IWD’s plan to downward adjust rates when grant funds are received. In response to a suggestion to create a clear mechanism in the proposal that would ensure this would happen, the GM was very resistant to such an idea, and unwilling to consider it.

There was discussion regarding how these sewer costs will be especially burdensome for any property owner with multiple ‘Equivalent Dwelling Units’ (EDU). The current base rate (per EDU) is $44.20- within 4 years, this will nearly double to $81.44, and at the point of full implementation of the plan, will nearly triple to $119.66. For a resident with a single EDU, this will create difficulty, but is probably surmountable- but for any property owner or businesses with multiple EDU’s, this will create an extreme burden.

Frustrations were expressed regarding the fact that need for the replacement of the treatment plant has been known for a very long time, and that prior IWD Boards and management had not addressed this at a time when costs were far less. An attempt by IWD to address this project ~8 years ago had the cost at around $2 million- the efforts at that time were sidelined, and raised again near the time of the start of the current GM with an estimated cost of $4 million, and currently the cost is estimated at $7 million.

Water rates
Comments made to the GM regarding the current water quality issue were met with a simple response of ‘the water has been tested, and it’s fine’. The GM repeatedly redirected the issue towards a likely problem with a specific customer’s plumbing- when it was repeatedly pointed out that the complaints have been from varying areas and obviously system-wide, this was met with redirection to the customer’s system.

There were questions related to why the proposed water rate is based upon an 8% increase (which is to cover cost increases that were not foreseen, and are likely into the future), when this kind of rate is far above the cost of living adjustments that are made by many entities to adjust for such cost increases.

The observation was made that under the proposed water rates (which reduces the ‘tier’ rate system to two tiers, down from three), that when use exceeds Tier 1, the rate for Tier 2 is *less* than Tier 1. This does not seem to encourage water conservation, and those who use less water (within Tier 1) are effectively paying more per unit than those whose use moves them into Tier 2. The IWD management acknowledged this, without any clear rationale.

Ratepayer approval/opposition
Clarification questions were asked regarding how ratepayer opposition to either plan can be made. IWD management made clear that such expressions are not ‘weighted’ according to the users of either water or sewer service- the validity of any Letter of Protest is simply based on the ownership of the property (or the person who actually pays the water/sewer bill). Thus, a property that has a single water meter, yet multiple separate units (‘apartments’) within that property, may only submit a single Letter of Protest for that property. (If a single individual owns several such ‘apartment’ properties, a Letter of Protest from that owner may submit a Letter of Protest for each property. For sewer, if a single property has multiple EDU’s in it (such as properties with two homes on it, or an ‘apartment’ complex), only one Letter of Protest may be submitted for the entire property. These parameters are due to Proposition 218, and not IWD’s policies. They obviously result in a very unbalanced representation of comments on the plan- IWD acknowledges this, but does not feel there is any balancing strategy.

IWD management reiterated that Letters of Protest must be very carefully formatted (name, service address, account number, parcel number), with a clear, unambiguous statement protesting the water or sewer proposal. Two separate letters are preferred (one for each proposal), however a single letter for both proposals can be used if it *clearly* states opposition to both proposals.

IWD plans to tally these letters on June 21, and corroborate them with customer records. If there is a large number of letters received, the tally may not be able to be completed that evening, due to the time required to validate the letters.

The Bartles consultant commented that it is very uncommon for rate payers to turn back such rate increase proposals, simply due to a lack of response.

My personal observation and view of this process: there is a clear need to replace the existing sewage treatment plant, and the consultation source seems sound. Capital improvements and ongoing increased operating costs will likely require increased revenues to address. I have the sense that most of the management of IWD is genuine in their efforts to address these issues, especially the Board, and CFO. I am not nearly as confident in the leadership of the General Manager.

While the need for these projects seems clear, the *process* by which IWD is attempting to solve this is problematic- there is a deep level of skepticism from the Idyllwild community & IWD’s rate payers, and very little trust that these proposals are sound, and will be implemented as they have been proposed. The sewage treatment plant proposal is being presented without any real evidence of any alternatives that have been considered that might result in a more reasonable burden to the rate payers- it’s pretty much ‘This is the plan. The *only* plan’. While my gut says that the need and numbers being presented are reasonable, the ‘optics’ of how IWD management goes about trying to achieve do nothing to inspire the trust they seem to expect from ratepayers. IWD management could clearly use the a good Public Relations service to help communicate their position more clearly to ratepayers and the community.

At this time, I am generally inclined to oppose the sewer rate proposal, primarily because I’d like to have greater confidence that other alternative strategies have been considered that will achieve the replacement of the treatment plant, at the most reasonable cost possible, and distribute those costs reasonably to the rate payers. The water rate proposal, while it will result in increased rates, seems to be based on simple realities of cost increases and uniformly spreads those costs among all rate payers, and my current inclination is to support it.

I’m sure some of the other attendees or IWD customers have other views on these meetings and proposals. Please share them.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

papaila's profile photo


Jun 2, 2023, 6:23:45 PM

Thanks for the update John.

Much appreciated!

Dan & Dawn Papaila 

dianedarcy7's profile photo


Jun 3, 2023, 1:38:15 PM

After attending the past 2 IWD board meetings, as well as the informational Town Hall on Tuesday, I have spent quite some time balancing my apprehension of rate increases along with the need for an improved sewer system.  Of course I prefer not to pay more than equitable; however, the need for a sewer solution has been “kicked down the road” for far too long.  With each delay, the costs increase more and more ($2 million 8 years ago, 4 million 3 years ago, and now a projection of 7 million).  My gut tells me not to oppose the sewer increase. In order for the state to support us with grants, Idyllwild sewer customers need to demonstrate financial “buy in.”

However, I won’t be ending my involvement. I plan to address Supervisor Perez, Representative Ken Calvert, and Senator Alex Padilla to ask for support to facilitate the grant process.  My feeling is that the sewer customers of Idyllwild bear a tremendous responsibility for enriching the mountain communities of Idyllwild, as well as Fern Valley, Pine Cove, Mountain Center, Stonewood, and Garner Valley. Our sewer system supports the flourishing of the commercial district, restaurants, hotels, camps, South Bay Cable, Idyllwild School, and Idyllwild Arts. The sewer system is an integral component of our Mile High lifestyle.  We deserve state funding to offset rate payer costs.

sheila's profile photo


Jun 4, 2023, 10:48:23 AM

I like your thinking John and am in agreement.

dawn.p...@gmail.com's profile photo


Jun 4, 2023, 4:05:18 PM

I just want to thank John, Dave and Diane for keeping us informed. We are not on sewer so our thoughts on that issue are of little value but it sure seems like IWD should be able to share the grants that they plan to pursue and the rules that state that the project must first be approved by rate payers. It seems as if there would be a lot of small communities who can’t afford such improvements to infrastructure. And it seems like there’s infrastructure money to be had. 

Dawn Papaila

maryestroud's profile photo


Jun 5, 2023, 10:25:17 PM

to pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info@googlegroups.com

Yes, thank you to all who have been updating and sharing perspectives. 

Regarding protest letters: if anyone would like assistance with word processing or printing, please feel free to email me off list marye…@gmail.com

Both are fairly easy for me and I’d be happy to help. 

-Mary Stroud 

idypunky's profile photo


Jun 8, 2023, 7:19:12 AM

I’m on vacation and can’t type a letter very well on my phone. When are they due?

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Jun 8, 2023, 9:32:55 AM


Letters of Protest must be received on or before the Public Hearing meeting at the IWD Board Room at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, June 21. Hand delivery to the IWD office or on the evening of the Hearing is probably a better strategy, however they can be mailed to:
Idyllwild Water District
Attn: District Secretary
PO Box 397
25945 Highway 243
Idyllwild, CA. 92549

Letters must be specifically formatted in the manner previously described, and must be received in physical form (paper), with an actual ink signature. Electronic versions (emailed or otherwise) will not be accepted.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Jun 15, 2023, 9:33:46 AM

A reminder: the deadline for submission of Letters of Protest for IWD’s water &/or sewer rate proposals is next Wednesday, June 21.

As has been discussed and described in IWD’s Notice of Public Hearing (sent by mail about a month ago), these proposals will result in dramatic rate increases. By the time both of these plans are fully implemented, water costs will be roughly double the current rates, and the base rate for sewer will nearly triple in cost. These are likely the most dramatic cost increases in the history of IWD, and will place IWD water and sewer rates far above any comparable service anywhere in the local area and Inland Empire.

The IWD Board of Directors will meet at 6 pm on June 21 to review any objections to this plan, and make a final decision on implementation. If you (or any other neighbor using IWD services) have a strong opinion about either of these plans, the opportunity to voice them and potentially impact the implementation is quickly drawing to a close- after this meeting, these rates will become permanent!

Guidance on how to create a Letter of Protest that will be accepted by IWD is described in the attached form, along with an electronic form that can be completed. Alternatively, a blank form is available from either Dave Hunt or myself that can be used to simply hand write the letter. Please forward this email to any neighbor or community member who utilizes IWD’s services.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549