John Jacobs
Feb 11, 2023, 9:53:00 AM
Some time yesterday afternoon or evening, a vehicle apparently drifted off the road, colliding with the rock landscaping in the front of my yard.
Tire tracks can be seen in the foreground of the first picture, and the impact location of where the vehicle struck the first rock, forcing the other rocks forward. This vehicle must have been traveling at some speed, as the last rock on the corner is quite large, and it was forced a few feet out of location. The car apparently stayed along the berm, and a skid mark can be seen beyond the impact point as the car drifted back into the street.
Did anyone hear or see anything related to this collision? It would have occurred some time between 3 pm and 10 pm yesterday, Friday, February 10. If you heard or saw anything, please either post up by replying to this email, or contact me directly. Thank you, neighbors!
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549
Iva Botton
Feb 11, 2023, 1:09:40 PM
John, I did not hear or see the incident. I live at 54125 Pine Crest.
Iva Zander Botton
Feb 11, 2023, 3:38:26 PM
Need cameras?
John Jacobs
Feb 12, 2023, 11:26:50 AM
to Pine Crest Neighborhood Watch
Yesterday, as I was repairing the damage due to this collision, a local resident walked by and acknowledged their car had drifted off the road and into the rock landscaping in my yard. There was an infant in the car at the time, who was uninjured. The vehicle sustained significant damage and had to be towed for repairs. No explanation was provided as to what caused the car to drift off the road.
There have been other similar incidents like this in the past- several years ago, a car drifted off the road and into the open space in my front yard, hitting a piece of re-bar that was placed there to deter parking and turnarounds (which are frequent in this area). Cars drifting towards the edge of the road as they come down Pine Crest is a relatively common occurrence- there is always excessive speed associated with them, and usually a driver is observed with their eyes not directly on the road. (There were two such incidents as I was repairing this damage from alongside the road.)
If you are a regular pedestrian along this section of Pine Crest, keep your eyes out, and consider walking to face oncoming traffic, especially if you have children or dogs with you!
John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California 92549