Graffiti tagging, Neighborhood Watch sign vandalism

John Jacobs

Jun 1, 2022, 4:21:23 PM

At some point in the last year or so, some graffiti tagging & stickers have appeared on numerous road signs- in particular, they have been found on Pine Crest (from Maranatha to Riv Co Play Rd), and along Riv Co Play Rd to the Park entrance.

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Aug 4, 2022, 4:10:52 PM

Unfortunately, more tagging of the same type has continued to appear in our neighborhood- in fact, the same tagger has extended out on to the highway, tagging the same County road signs, Idy Water District signage, and sometimes signs on private property. It was hoped that the tagging I described and photographed in late May had been there a while, but I have noted new ink pen tagging of the same type on signs that had been cleaned two months ago. I just returned from another removal tour- it is hoped that doing complete and immediate removal of such tagging will dis-incentivize the tagger. As before, please post up if you see anything in our neighborhood.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

furpeople54's profile photo


Aug 4, 2022, 6:28:54 PM

Thanks John, for cleaning it up. 

Reverence for all life…'s profile photo

Byron Grams

Aug 4, 2022, 9:00:13 PM

Nice job John.

If you like, I can supply another can of Goof-Off and a box of rags if this becomes more of an issue.


John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Sep 29, 2022, 6:18:05 PM

New tagging was found on the reflector sign on Riv Co Play Rd:

It also cleaned off easily with Goof Off. 

Equally annoyingly, the website information sign that sits under the Neighborhood Watch sign at the intersection of Pine Crest and Riv Co Play Rd has been vandalized twice by folding it over:

I was able to push it back into alignment both times. But today I noticed that the same sign at the very end of Pine Crest has been vandalized with black sharpie, and the website info sign has been completely torn off:

There have long been observations of odd behaviors down in that cul de sac over the years. A neighbor mentioned today that a large bag of marijuana was seen lying on the ground there a few days ago.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California   92549



Oct 7, 2022, 5:43:37 PM

Thank you for the info re: our signs being vandalized.  We each need to keep an eye on our neighborhood.  I personally don’t understand the why of the person/s who have done this.  Willing to listen if they should choose to share.

Iva Zander Botton 

 Safe travels near and far; clarity in every season, peace in every journey and comfort in the knowledge of the love of God.

John Jacobs

Oct 3, 2022, 10:54:28 AM

About two years ago, these information signs were added to all of the Neighborhood Watch signs in our area- they are intended to provide more information for those who have interest in the program, or wish to join:

About three weeks ago, I noted that the one of the signs located at the intersection of Pine Crest and Riv Co Play Road had been folded over:

I pushed it back into place, but within a few days someone had folded it back over. Once again, I pushed it back into place.

Last Thursday afternoon, I noted that the Neighborhood Watch sign located at the far end of Pine Crest had been vandalized with black sharpie marker, a sticker, and the information sign had been torn off:

The next morning (Friday, Sept. 28), I noted that the three informational signs located near the intersection of Pine Crest & Riv Co Play road had all been vandalized, and torn off their locations:

I found some (but not all) of the remains of the signs thrown into yards near their posted location:

Other signs located at the entry points to our neighborhood have been untouched.

The motivation for this vandalism is unclear, but it is the latest incident in an ongoing string of petty events like this (i.e. recent graffiti tagging). Probably a good idea to keep a more vigilant eye out for such behaviors around the neighborhood.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

papaila's profile photo

Dan Papaila

Oct 3, 2022, 11:55:26 AM

Thanks for the info John, Greatly appreciated!

Dan & Dawn Papaila

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Oct 6, 2022, 12:35:13 PM

Many thanks to Dave Hunt for repairing one of the vandalized signs and reinforcing the replacements with angle metal. It’ll be much harder to tear them off again…there’s also a blob of grease on the back of the signs…if anyone grabs them, they’ll get a slimy surprise!

The vandalized signs around the intersection of Pine Crest & Riv Co Play Rd have been repaired/replaced. The one down at the end of Pine Crest will probably get a replacement in a week or so. Please keep an eye on the signs anywhere in the neighborhood, and post up if something seems amiss.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California   92549


furpeople54's profile photo


Oct 6, 2022, 4:28:18 PM

Glad they’ve been repaired!

Reverence for all life…

John Jacobs's profile photo

John Jacobs

Nov 3, 2022, 11:40:11 AM

As noted a few weeks ago, the website information signs were replaced after Dave Hunt reinforced them (and paid for them). All have remained intact since that time, with the unfortunate exception of the sign at the very end of Lower Pine Crest (adjacent to Idyllwild Pines Camp). Yesterday, it was noted that the Neighborhood Watch sign itself had been torn away from its sign post:



The ‘Before’ picture above shows this sign several weeks ago after the website information sign had been vandalized, and the Neighborhood Watch sign itself had been vandalized with stickers and a sharpie marker scrawled across it. The website information sign that is still remaining (‘After’ picture) is one of the signs Dave reinforced to reduce vandalism- apparently this worked, as it remained intact!

It is not clear as to who or why these signs have been vandalized in this manner- please watch for unusual behaviors in the neighborhood, and post up with anything that is observed or learned.

John Jacobs
Pine Crest – Riverside County Playground Rd. Neighborhood Watch
Idyllwild, California  92549

kathystyles01's profile photo


Nov 3, 2022, 2:01:27 PM

Anybody with residential cameras that might be temporarily aimed at signs to help identify the culprit?

Thanks for your work on this.

Kathy Styles's profile photo

Byron Grams

Nov 3, 2022, 5:32:47 PM

I will see if I can spin one around to watch the one out front of my place.

I might have to run some extra wire to get a good view, but it would be worth it to find out what is going on.