,Sep 25, 2017, 9:50:18 PMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
Charley Burke was walking through the park on Saturday evening, September 23rd, 2017, and noticed a bonfire burning in the dry waterfall that rises above the bridge where the road crosses Lilly Creek.
He alerted the rangers in the kiosk. They reported that the people who were sitting around that fire ran away. The campground rangers put the fire out and filed a report.
On Sunday morning, Diane, Charley and I climbed up to the site of the fire and took the attached pictures. We found beer cans and a lime so clearly this was a party that we think was attended by locals rather than campground visitors from out of town. Joe went up and cleaned up the site on Sunday afternoon.
Dawn Papaila
P.S. Please use this Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!newtopic/pc-rcpr-neighborhood-watch-info) to post incidents that you observe so that we can keep a running record. This may prove useful if we try to encourage the campground to increase staffing, ban fires during High and Extreme Fire danger and/or request an increase in law enforcement in the area. Lillycreekbonfire4.jpgLillycreekbonfire3.jpgLillycreekbonfire2.jpgLillycreekbonfire1.jpg
Sep 25, 2017, 9:58:01 PMto PC-RCPR Neighborhood Watch Info
I am posting a few more photos of the Lilly Creek Campfire here.Lillycreekbonfire5.jpgLillycreekbonfire6.jpgLillycreekbonfire7.jpg